The Second Blog

Thoughts that linger in the mind of a Singaporean teen.
By Kelvin Choo

Sunday, December 11, 2005


you know what i did today? hahahaha!! well, in the early hours of today, i stayed up to catch the world cup draw thingy. thanks to andrew.hahhaha! it was super boring. i slept at about 6am. after that, about 1pm, while i was sleeping, wei en called me, and asked me if i wanted to go have dinner, i agreed, and then went back to sleep for awhile. i woke up, and played tony hawk's american wasteland. then started to get ready. i left home, and met them at gombak. alltogether, wei en, zs, andrew and me went. we first went to pacific plaza as wei en wanted to get a pencil box for his cousin. i saw this freakin nice wallet man. and i got it! we went to marina south after that. you know, the korean buffet restaurant? yeah. anyway, it was damn wasted. i wasn't hungry at all at that time. but i paid anyway. the food was great man! especially the pepper crab! hahahaha!!! well, as usual, we stole eggs, and smashed them on cars.hahaha!after that, we went home, and here i am! well, i'm now watching arsenal vs newcastle, so, dont disturb me!

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