The Second Blog

Thoughts that linger in the mind of a Singaporean teen.
By Kelvin Choo

Wednesday, November 07, 2007


hmmm, sometimes i wonder why i can't speak chinese well. when i talk to family members and when they find out that i take CLb, it embarrasses me. really.

these few days, sigh, no satisfaction in the o'levels.. damn it, been slacking ALOT as the papers pass. i'm probably gonna screw my humanities up like shit.. who knows what POA has in stored for me? it's tough la. now i'm never gonna live with the guilt of screwing my life up in this single exam.

so the CLb paper is on this coming monday - both paper1 and paper2.

all the best to Amir, Gordon, terrence, gerrald, jayme, florence, daniel Eee(however it's spelt), winston, wei kang, the china girl (?!), the malaysian guy, timothy(i think i spelt it wrongly again), and all the rest of the loving CLb classmates whom i only got to know at the near end of the term. i doubt any of you guys read my blog anyway. shit.

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