The Second Blog

Thoughts that linger in the mind of a Singaporean teen.
By Kelvin Choo

Saturday, March 08, 2008

ya lor now very quiet.

so it ends here- my life of fun. now, it's stone with hardly any days marked on my phone calendar. only a 4e5'07 bbq to look forward to. others like training and friday carpark soccer are a standard. where are the GBS outings and chalet huh? charlie and bravo-make time for it please. then BPC? when's the next laughter filled outing to probably marina square(sorry i had to skip plaza sing mann)? ahh, someone please ask me out. anything beats staying at home staring at the computer with my aqua hobbies.

okay, so been busy with poly admin shit. so confusing it's driving me nuts. haven't seen that many words since the big O's. well, i didn't really study in PAE, that's why it didn't count. heh. my dad's constantly reassuring me that everything is settled, but i still feel sth's missing. soo weird.

been falling sick quite often. at first fever, then ok for about a week, then slight fever again. then food poisoning. but the thing is that, everyone's been falling sick, so i shall push the blame on the weather. heh. sooo cold. but the food poisoning part is to be blamed on fuckin penang.

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