The Second Blog

Thoughts that linger in the mind of a Singaporean teen.
By Kelvin Choo

Thursday, April 10, 2008


So like, skipped games day thanks to late nights of insomnia. K, woke up at around 12noon, and stonned on my bed listening to News Radio 93.8(98.7 just got too boring for me) till dad came home from work at ard 5pm. Soo good to see him home again- being alone at home sucks. So like, after he came home, he went to sleep, and i left home to meet Mamad for my tour of SP! - at 8pm-.- He brought me around and made sure i looked cool when i get to school for my first day instead of looking lost with a map in hand and turning round in circles looking for different blocks. Then we walked till ard 10pm when we decided to go have dinner at BotakJones at Clementi. We ate, then talked and slacked at this random place till 11, when we went back to cck. talked and talked again till 1am and left for home- half dead-tired. So my plan was take a good long rest once i reach home. But then, the computer called my name, and i turned it on, and have been online ever since. Talked to Naz about why humans have ass hair and other questions you wouldn't ask your normal friend. Then i went offline and started blogging.

These few nights have been hell for me. Super super tired, but can't seem to sleep only till about 4-5am. Imagine: You're exhausted, and you lie down on your comfy bed with that fluffy pillow and pet snake of yours and with the air-con blowing at 24degrees. Light's off, Blanket's on and you're Ready-Freddy for dream land, but you just can't get yourself to doze off. Tossing and turning only provided a head ache. Maybe it's cuz there are too many things in my mind, and well, i wouldn't wanna bug anyone about the SAME OLD problems of mine would i? It'll just bore them to death...

But God hears me and i'm sure He has a reason and a way for everything that's been happening.

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