The Second Blog

Thoughts that linger in the mind of a Singaporean teen.
By Kelvin Choo

Friday, July 25, 2008

so the only thing that made today significant, was none other than my community involvement project, otherwise known as CIP. It was freakin boring la... so i made my way to the library after class to look for some lady. and i was doing some arrangement of books for the whole 3hrs. super boring. i never understood the importance of CIP. i mean, if you dont do your CIP, 40% of the character development module grade goes down the drain. and that means, most probably you'll fail the module, and you have to retake the module the following semester. which ultimately means you'll have to spend money to retake the friggin module with new younger classmates of the next batch. WHY DO WE HAVE TO DO C.D? damn it. and that's not the end yet. i still have 4 more hours to complete. urgh... i'm staying back in school later(Friday) to complete the remaining hours. Imagine 4 hours(60X4 mins) (60X60X4 secs) worth of arranging heavy books. and people do laugh at you. embarrassing like shit. BUT, i met a cute girl who did CIP too. hehe. but we didn't talk. HAH.

ok, it's pretty late, so i think i'ma sleep now.

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