The Second Blog

Thoughts that linger in the mind of a Singaporean teen.
By Kelvin Choo

Monday, January 21, 2008


hmmm, went out with my OG on sat to marina square for the WHOLE ENTIRE DAY.ahah! here's how i went out :

at first quite awkward during bowling, like, all we said was, "uhh, your turn". until i started on my life stories. ahaha! after bowling, luke had to go off, so like, left me la, only guy- and 6 other ladies. but luckily they were quite fun to talk to la, like, everyone contributed to conversations and stuff. credits to sandra loh, penny tok and evelyn choo for teaching me how to speak to ladies. ahaha!! omg, i'm so corny. ok after luke left, we went for lunch and we talked about practically anything lar. talked about each other's schools, talked about results, and even fruit juices. then, by then it was already about 4o'clock, and i was psychoed to not go for touch rug, so we decided to walk around since we had nothing else better to do. we walked to the cinema, and we agreed to catch a movie. everyone wanted to watch 27dresses. so like, i said "anything lor". haha! ok, the movie starts at 7pm and we still had 2+hours of spare time, so we walked to the esplanade library and you wouldn't believe what we talked about there. damn embarrassing la! but it was funny la. damn funny. so by the time we left the library, it was around just in time for the movie. we watched the movie, and i personally thought it was kinda boring la. i mean, the guy so old! and the younger sister is very ugly. omg. but we had a few laughes over the movie la. by then it was ard 9 sth. we went to have supper at some makansutra(wth is up with the name) place near the esplanade- again, for satay. then grace offered to treat us cuz like, she feels that being the OGL, she has a responsibility to fulfil. aahha, talked about more stuff and by 10 plus, we decided to leave cuz some had to reach home early. we went our seperate ways and headed homeeeeeeee. reached home at ard 11.30 and went online for awhile. off i went to bed at 12.30am cuz i had to attend church early the following morning. damn long day.

today was also damn fun. but practically spend it in church. ok. firstly, went for breakfast with mingsheng, jethro, shawn, zach and me. got back to church just in time for SEWS. after service, talked to fred bout some stuff and had lunch with ben moh and other classmates. talked cock and stuff and after that, we went for YKG. shall not elaborate on that. after YKG, the guys changed up to their running gear, and we played touch rug! wahaha! damn funny la! but it what a dismay that it had to rain after about an hour into playing. but it was all worth it, damn fun. we ran back to church under the rain and bathed and changed back to our good smelling clothes. went to lot one to have linner(lunch/dinner as defined by han rong) talk bout stuff till bout 6 and then edward had to go off cuz he lived in freakin changi man. poor bugger. ahaha! so after that, i waited for bus 190 with hanrong and shawn till it came. sent them off and left for home on my bus. damn fun weekend i had. ahah!

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