The Second Blog

Thoughts that linger in the mind of a Singaporean teen.
By Kelvin Choo

Monday, April 21, 2008


wha lao eh, i'll blog bout yesterday and today.

k so like, woke up in the morn, and went to fetch beloved mommy from the airport after a 2-week vacation in Thailand. k then, got dad to fetch me to the Padang for a friendly with SRC. it was one of the most awesome matches i've ever played in man. i thought they were a damn good team. but we still lost by a try. wasted. k, then went home with zul(matrep zul doherty). then i went out for dinner with my parents, and went home to sleep early for church the day after(today)

went to church with my parents and ok, this is the story: when i sit with my parents, i can understand sermon cuz i pay attention to it. BUT, when i sit with the YDG guys, i cannot concentrate cuz we'll keep talking. but then ah, today special leh! i sat with them, and i made it a point to listen. so just to make sure, i told ming sheng to remind me to listen to sermon when i'm about to start talking. so i lasted thru' sermon, and understood it!(: k then after sermon, went for lunch with wengkinn and shawn, and when we were coming back, i saw this:

if you can't see it clearly, see the following picture.

and for your infomation, that's a bangla in that shirt. and me, wengkinn and shawn were wondering,"what happened to the girl?" hahaha, damn funny. then we went for bible classes and after that we had street soccer and it was freakin tiring. wahahaha, went home, bathed, and here i am! fun 2 days i had(: and tmr, it's back to school again-.-

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