The Second Blog

Thoughts that linger in the mind of a Singaporean teen.
By Kelvin Choo

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Wa liewzzz... I'm wasting my holidays away lar... Feck...

Okay, i really have no idea what to blog about now, but i have nothing else better to do while my 'meet the spartans' loads. i've been watching alot of movies these few days. not in the cinemas, but on my beloved computer. Special thanks to my sis and YK for the movies you've allowed me to rip from you. and special thanks to for the unlimited online movies. but i wouldn't have known about if not for yong jie who introduced the site to me. and thanks to HMV for giving me ideas on the movies to watch.

i know, it feels great to be appreciated. It makes you feel worthy. Everyone likes being appreciated and acknowledged.

so yea, the following are lists on movies i've watched during the past few days, and movies i plan to watch.

Movies I Plan To Watch:
  • The BlairWitch Project
  • Big Stan
  • Puff Puff Pass
  • Tropic Thunder (Watching this in a cinema)
  • Meet The Spartans (currently loading.)
Movies I've Watched:
  • The Notebook(frikin most touching story ever la..)
  • The Warriors(stupidest show, watched 10mins of it, and i turned it off)
  • Dan In Real Life
  • I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry
  • Be Kind, Rewind
  • Coach Carter
  • 300 (Again)

Like what i've said to my sis: I love lists. It completes life.

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