The Second Blog

Thoughts that linger in the mind of a Singaporean teen.
By Kelvin Choo

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Here we go again- The end of a year. This is when we start thinking about how our year has been, and how quickly it has gone by. We also start visioning how the coming year will be like. Some can't wait to enter into the new year, while others worry about it...

Well, as for me, i can honestly say that 2008 has generally been an extraordinarily BORING and unproductive year- for me at least. Everyday is black and white and almost the same as the day before it. But of course, i have tasted salt and sugar from time to time. But overall, i'll consider the year 2008 wasted. However, i dont think i intend to make a difference to my life in 2009. I mean, think about it, aren't I a better person now?

Church camp is in 1 day's time. 29th Dec to the new year. Pray for diligence, discipline and God's grace upon me k.

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