The Second Blog

Thoughts that linger in the mind of a Singaporean teen.
By Kelvin Choo

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

We all strive so hard to be who we aren't, when there's always the better option of being ourselves.

Sometimes we see someone attractive in the streets or whatever, and we fall into a deep state of infatuation till we over react and think irrationally out of nervousness and excitement. All of which amounts to the transformation from our usual selves, to someone who is... next to perfect.

This may improve our chances in getting whatever we're after, but why can't we impress with our humble selves? Why do we need to be the Indiana Jones and the Mr and Mrs Smith in order to achieve our desires? Sometimes, we look at ourselves in the mirror and complain why we're born with negative features, then we start hating ourselves. But we've never come across the fact that we are our very own movie stars and the opportunity to appear in our very own film is always there for the taking.

Maybe we should start being ourselves and stop conforming to society's standards and classifications......

and maybe i should walk the talk.

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