The Second Blog

Thoughts that linger in the mind of a Singaporean teen.
By Kelvin Choo

Monday, June 12, 2006


HEY! hahaha! the past few days were kinda fun for me! ahah! lemme tell you about it.

firstly, there was the buddy camp that i was appointed overall incharge for i dunno what reasons. ahah!!! as expected, it didn't really turn out well, but it was ok la. after all the primary school students left hillgrove, most of the student leaders who participated in the buddy camp gathered at the parade square, and we played power ball! whooo! damn fun. ahha. after the buddy camp and the power ball, i met up with zhi shen, wei en and albin, and we all made our way to night safari. ahahha!!! it was a wasted trip, as we didn't really got to see anything much. it was a NIGHT safari. almost everything was soo dark, that we only could see the eyes of animals. we tried taking photos of the animals, and guess what? we got scolded by some staff. "no flash phtography." brilliant. fortunately, the tickets were free. ahah! after that, we went to bb to eat, and after eating, we went home.

a few days after that, i went to catch a movie with zhi shen at west mall. we caught xmen-the last stand. i love the movie man. ahah! after watching, we went home.

i went to m'sia with my family on sat. we went to terenganu, and guess what? we freakin drove there man! ahaha! it took about 7 hrs to reach there. it was kinda fun, and yeah, i enjoyed myself.

a few days after that, i met up with ben for lunch at bb macs. and after that, we went for mohegan cheerleading. DONT LAUGH. I KNOW YOU ARE. anyway, we did the normal shit, and if you wanna see me do all those, i'llbe doing all these things for you on sports day. after that, at about 6pm, i went out with andrew and tsu haw to catch a movie. we caught "the nun", and let me tell you, it's a fuckin stoopid show. seriously man, dont watch it. after that, we walked around town until about 11pm, and we decided to go home. reached home at about midnight, and slept after that.

the next day, i went out to catch the omen with my sis. it was okay la, very hard to understad though. you gotta listen real carefully to everthing. after the omen, we went home, and left home again. i followed my sis jamming, and yeah, it was fun. gota to see my sis in a band. ahah! after that, we went to the kopitiam, talked and soon after that, we left for home.

the very next day, i met up with zs, wei en, albin, and a few other of wei en's friends, and we went to town , mainly to celebrate wei en's birthday! ahah! firstly, we went to seoul garden at taka to have lunch and to create a freakin mess! ahah! it was damn hilarious! after that, i, zs and andrew spent time staring at the jewellery at the cartier shop. bloody shit. there was a fuckin security guard dressed in a tuxedo guarding the shop man! aah!! funny. after that, wei en, zs, andrew, albin, wei en's friend and me went to cine to play counterstrike. fuckin fun! but the computers there damn lousy.. damn. anyway, i had to leave earlier for darn tuition..


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