The Second Blog

Thoughts that linger in the mind of a Singaporean teen.
By Kelvin Choo

Saturday, May 20, 2006

screwdriver jam

today, screwdriver went jamming straight after school, but unfortunately, firman couldn't go at the last minute. so me, roy and bapok went instead. hui yi followed along to watch. jamming was quite rusty, but it still went out well. after jamming, we went to eat at KFC. after that, went homeeeeeee.

anyway, during d&t period, jasmine and maryam painted my nails, and they look amazing la! ahaha!! i'm soo gay. wait, no.painting my nails isn't being gay. it's being metrosexual, just like jonny wilkinson.

i really hope we get to perform man. really wanna perform. darn. hope mdm khong lends us the drums. alright alright, i'll stop here for now.

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