The Second Blog

Thoughts that linger in the mind of a Singaporean teen.
By Kelvin Choo

Saturday, April 29, 2006


WHOOO! I'M BACK! HAHA!! well, not really. i just did not post for an entire term. that's all. for this whole term, the man living in my house was pissed with me all the time. i just gave him the neutral face. HAH. well, this term is just plain and normal. all i do is wake up every weekday morning, go school, stay in school, go home at around 5, reach home, see him, close the door, sleep, wake up, bath, do hw, sleep. standard one. hahaha! right now is the exam period already, and i'm freakin scared la.. been studying at school these few days, and i'm kinda proud of myself.haha! i'm damn sad.... of some stoopid reason..

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