The Second Blog

Thoughts that linger in the mind of a Singaporean teen.
By Kelvin Choo

Tuesday, January 30, 2007


whoever appeals to the law agains his fellow man is either a fool or a coward.
whoever cannot take care of himself without that law is both.
for wounded man shall say to his assailant,
"if i live, i will kill you. if i die, you are forgiven"
Such is the rule, of honour.

i know, you're thinking, "haha, kelvin so corny.." but this omerta code is cool ok. if you dont liike it then too bad la.

okay, school today was kinda boring, some people were playing soccer, some were with girls, some off to gym. what happened to the old times man? what happened to FFC?

insomnia is my best friend.
the cause of insomnia: DnT courswork
and many other things.


Tuesday, January 23, 2007



you telling me to sleep?

well, lemme ask you a question:

sleep for what?


Sunday, January 21, 2007

faggotty faggot club

what would i do without you Faggotty Faggot Club fuckers? ahahaha! love you guys!!!!

Friday, January 19, 2007

not so well.

so, ermm, i missed my chance haven't i? darn it...

okay, so my family's bogus, my math teacher hates me, and i dont know how to plan my time well. it's okay, that's life,

i think.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


today, me, prak, roy and firman went to west mall at ard 7pm. we went to watsons, and guess what i did?

i went to the lipstick section, applied some nice coloured lipstick, and kissed prakash on his shirt and firman on his cheek. after that, we made our way to the library to read fishing magazines. THE END.

sandy, i ask you sth, "you think i fierce not?" ahahahah!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

sponge bob

taken off spongebob "the last episode"-

You don't need a plane to fly.
Plastic wings may make you cry.
Kites are made for windy days.
Lawn chairs with balloons, fly away....
Inflatable pants, you may as well skip.
If you want to fly, all you need is friendship. yeah.

these few days are okay la, been spending alot more time with my bros, and i really enjoyed myself relating more to them. ahahaha! *5pm already ah* . Got our o'level d&t coursework question already, and lemme tell you this, fuck it man. and you guys wanna know sth else? i feel myself working harder for a better future. heh.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

whoa lan oei

first day of school! ahahah! missed everyone man. then today got to see them! ahahaha! class location was brilliant man! beside 4e4 and 5a3! ahahahah! hope roy's class close to mine la, then safiee's class on the other side(4e4) the sandy's class opposite mine. ahaha! so many close friends. but only no yong kiat. darn. nvm. ahahhah! still can talk online. ahahaha! ok bye.

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