The Second Blog

Thoughts that linger in the mind of a Singaporean teen.
By Kelvin Choo

Monday, August 23, 2010

What a wonderful rainy evening. Y'know i really enjoy these cold rainy nights. but anyway, enough of the rainy weather. I've been frequenting the Queenstown area these few days. Mainly cuz it's one of the very few places left in S'pore with memories of its past. Just sitting there with my parents or friends and enjoying a bowl of icy BoBoChaCha with a metal spoon is just peaceful. It's really funny how people never really appreciate these type of places only until word is out that demolition is on its way. It's even funnier how a person like me would spend time in these sort of places. Maybe it's because it really reminds me of Hillview.

Hillview was the first estate i ever resided in, and i stayed there till i was around 5 or 6years old. can't really remember much though. The last time i went to Hillview while it still existed, was when i was around 12 years old. i remember i was cycling with my dad, and stopped by the hawker centre for a drink. little did i know i would miss it that much.

But everytime i set foot in the Margaret Drive Area, it just felt like home. it felt so familiar. it felt so much like Hillview. Man, those were the days..

Like i always said, we won't appreciate something until it's gone.

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