The Second Blog

Thoughts that linger in the mind of a Singaporean teen.
By Kelvin Choo

Thursday, October 21, 2010

I think Respect is a very important aspect of life. You want to be respected, you respect others. Sometimes, you respect others, and people don't do the same to you, which is really frustrating and well, that's life.

Why is it important? I think it's cuz some people in the world treat others like inanimate objects and animals. This is a no doubt a sign of superiority over the other party, and it's sort of like, you need to make that other person look and feel bad so that you can feel good inside. It's pretty much a self-esteem thing.

But wait, look at it again, but with respect on both ends. Both feel good and mature about themselves, and both parties respect each other cuz they treasure each others' company and they benefit each other, so why create grudges right? They don't need to look down on others so that they can feel great about themselves.

You guys pretty much know all these already, but most of us always forget to apply it in our lives and I personally find it sad that there is disrespect going around us every single day.

But do you know what the most important type of respect is? I think it's self-respect. Cuz if you're not going to start out respecting yourself, you're gonna feel all useless and inadequate, and what do you do next? Release all that trapped heat inside you, on some poor kid next door. But no, not everyone disrespects themselves like that. Some take on the pain on their own bodies and dignity.

If you're some unpopular kid in school and you're hungry for the fame and attention, you start hanging out with the cool kids and they take money outta your pockets for their personal spending pleasures. Sometimes, they push you around and make fun of you infront of the chicks so that they prove they're the boss. All that torment just for some false dignity only cuz the cool kids know and acknowledge you.

Oh, how about self-pricing? Why go to the extent of sleazy places for some fun? Even if it meant you making the place sleazy. I'm sorta along the lines of prostitution, but that's really extreme. I'm sure you guys know a few popular activities we Gen Ys indulge in that pretty much illustrates the core definition of self-pricing (or the lack of it).

All that typing and no conclusion. I'm sorry that's always how I end cuz i always type till I'm too sleepy to end the post. But this time, it's different. This time, maybe we should make a personal pledge to ourselves to keep our chins high, breath in the air we deserve, and smile to ourselves knowing we're perfectly fine and reminding ourselves that no flaw is a flaw unless we think it is. Put a huge price tag on yourself and tell yourself that no one is gonna be able to afford you but you alone. Now that's self-respect.

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