The Second Blog

Thoughts that linger in the mind of a Singaporean teen.
By Kelvin Choo

Monday, December 31, 2007

so, i just came back from m'sia and i would love to blog about it.

ok, the first thing i noticed about malaysia, is that their citizens are very patriotic. they love malaysia, and they're not afraid to show it off. i mean, they even have the national flag painted on kindergartens and child care centres. respect. if only singaporeans loved the country more than they loved money. but that's the only good point for the country. let me begin on their bad points.

their roads are like shit. there are bumps everywhere. their highways have no street lights. wtf. and their cars have very very funny license plate numbers(WHYxxxx, BFFxxxx, MAYxxxx, LIMOxxxx etc etc). the traffic in penang is equal to pure shit. the roads are damn narrow and there are tonnes of cars, and as long as you are driving a singaporean car, you should be prepared to have shit thrown at your face. you'll get bullied alot by other drivers. they'll honk at you for the smallest mistakes. and apparrently, malaysia is a state that obviously does not welcome indians and chinese. quite sad actually. the chinese are not allowed to own property at certain areas. yeap - unbelievable. the malay food there is cold, and the chinese food there is dirty. and dont get me started on security. firstly, the cops there are corrupted, so if shit happens to you, dont bother looking for cops for help. secondly, wherever you go, you'll never feel a sense of security. you can never leave your car alone without the lingering fear of having it towed away or having your windscreen smashed. very scary indeed. really wanna thank God for blessing us with journey mercies and safety throughout the whole trip. i would also like to point out that when you're in ipoh, the cars there are purely OLD-SKOOL. damn cool. very cool place and a very unique sight. this really tells me that in m'sia, the people dont really depend on money for happiness, but they settle for what they have, and they live happily with it. unlike the typical money-hungry singaporean.

so there you go, the differences between malaysians and singaporeans. well, some of it at least.

Sunday, December 16, 2007


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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


ahah!! went out with claudia, aaron and vivian on monday for lunch at causeway point. ahaha! really miss those guys man. it was damn fun i tell you. after eating, we met up with raymond and naz and headed to the arcade. i had my hands on one of those machines where you have to control a metal hand using a joystick to grab a soft toy and transfer the soft toy over to a hole when only then, it'll be yours. let me tell you how it might be easy to grab a toy, but when it's being lifted up, it'll jerk all of a sudden and the soft toy drops down and lands where is first was. smart huh? stupid machines. ahahah! after wasting 3 bucks on the stupid "metal hand" machine, we watched ray and aaron drive some initial D car game, i tried it as well. but lost. after the arcade, i went to meet YK to do some christmas shopping. haha! after shopiing, went home. really enjoyed myself guys!

Sunday, December 09, 2007


Championship Cock Fighters

Click here to play this game

this is soooo cool,


Saturday, December 08, 2007


ahaha, yea, so much for "bro" ey? good of you to remember me.

wtf man, i bet it's karma acting on me, or maybe the effort to change to a better person is making me a loner. i dont know man. i dont even know what's going on..

never ever consider anyone your
best friend at such a young age of 16. trust me, you won't know that person well enough yet..

Thursday, December 06, 2007


you know, for some people, it's really hard to enjoy life when there's this huge craving for cash, and you end up taking up a job. i'm just thankful that i've got my computer, and i know how to fully enjoy it. now, it takes up around 70% of my life apart from sleeping. but yea, i'm thankful that i dont depend on money so heavily like how some people do.

and i've got this issue i want to bring up. it's regarding taking up jobs. i mean, you're willing to sacrifice time for cash? well, if you ask me, i'll say that time is definately much much more important than cash. would you rather work and work and work till your hols are gone? trust me man, you'll have lotsa time to work when you grow up. and this period after the o'levels is one of the last few times you'll get to
totally forget bout work of any sort. it's a rare occasion, and you're gonna waste it on working. dude, live on your allowance, and be happy with it cuz it's still money. if it ain't enough for your daily expenditure, then think back on what kind of stuff you spend your money on, and try to avoid those things. i.e. you spend your money on fast food. but when not cut down costs and eat at a neighbourhood kopitiam? it's all about expanding the definition of enjoying your holidays.

well, i just hope i managed to talk some sense into some of you guys, and i really hope you live your holidays to the fullest:)

Sunday, December 02, 2007


have you ever wondered why some people try to stand out? what is their purpose? not pointing fingers ah. i'm just bored and i think alot.

so yea, i miss the good old days, and i was talking to roy just now bout lot'sa stuff, and well, we came to the topic of my sec3 days(2006). we recalled many things. how some people first knew others, and ultimately came together as a clique. how we had our conflicts and how we settled them. and if you think about all these things you did together as a clique, it'll remind you of all the laughter and smiles you've ever had with this group of special people. it's all gonna end now, and sometimes, even the men cry cuz these memories are far more important then their face and image.

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