The Second Blog

Thoughts that linger in the mind of a Singaporean teen.
By Kelvin Choo

Friday, February 01, 2008


today i went out to celebrate my mom's birthday with my family at some place in chinatown for dinner. so like, while i was eating with my family, i couldn't help but notice this old waitress in her 60's or 70's, and this certain guy in his early 20's also caught my attention. lemme elaborate.

The Old Waitress

ok, the reason why this waitress caught my attention was because she somehow showed me and my sis some sort of "motherly-love" when she served us. like for instance, my sis was using her phone when she served us this individual dish. then she told my sis in a very caring tone, "eat it while it's hot, it ain't gonna be as good when it turns cold" and she smiled. of course she said it in mandrin and not in nigguh lingo. then i thought to myself, "why is this caring mother/grandmother working in a place like this? why isn't her children supporting her in her golden years?" waa, i mean, it's quite obvious she loves children, then if that's the case, then her children must be fuckers to take her love for granted. damn poor thing la, the way i see her work..

The Young Gentleman

this guy here, I'm not sure myself whether he's a loser to be pushed around, or he does it cuz he's nice, but yea, he's damn nice la. so polite and when he replaces our plates or sth, he'd do it with respect and a smile. he always makes the effort to say thanks and stuff, and i find it really pleasant. if only everyone in the world was like him and not stuck up pieces of shit. then the world would be a nicer place to be in.

ok la, basically, today being my mom's birthday, i kinda realised that i may not love her as much as i do now in the future. and furthermore, seeing that old waitress made me think of how my mom might behave in the future if i lacked the love for her. so like, if you're reading this, remember that your mom was the one who gave birth to you, and she was the one who bonded with you the most while your dad worked for a living. so if you're about to scold your mom for a small mistake made, think twice, cuz you might break her heart, and to think her very own blood and flesh was the one, wouldn't be very pleasant, would it?

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