The Second Blog

Thoughts that linger in the mind of a Singaporean teen.
By Kelvin Choo

Monday, June 30, 2008

i am sooo sick of schoolwork... why? I'll tell you why....
  • Even if you decide not to do it, the guilt will haunt you.
  • If you don't have the mood to do it, you'll either never produce quality work, or you'll just be stuck to that question with your mind somewhere else.
  • You keep getting distracted with MSN, TV, and all other fun shit.
  • Your friends keep telling you how cool they are for not doing their work, and in the end, they do it, and you're left to rot with shit-ass tutorial grades.
  • You feel like crying when you are stuck in between whether to do, or not to do.

and right now, i really feel like quitting school and live off my parents. People often tell me how hectic JC life is, and how they wish they were in poly. Well, for me, i wish i were still in kindergarten.

Another Topic

i don't wanna grow up.
i wanna turn back time.
i wanna be a baby.
i don't want responsibilities.
i want to sleep.
i don't ever want to wake up.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Yesterday, a landmark achievement was made by 3 young gentlemen namely:
  • Yours Truly
  • L.J. Bu
  • Anon (Name shall not be exposed due to personal request)
We traveled to stranger land.
We covered great distances.
We stunned the world.
For the first time in our lives......
We walked up the SP narrow transparent-walled staircase infront of the Administration Office.

Saturday, June 21, 2008


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

shall blog about yesterday, cuz today=assignments.

17/06/08 (Yesterday)

went to plaza sing to finish the hebron youth outing planning with the organising comm. after that, hanrong, sheng wei and melissa had to leave for their own stuff. so thaddeus, ernest and me went walking around the mall. basically just the basement. they went on their food hunting sessions, eating anything that sounds or looks unique. then we went to talk. and homeward bound. had alot of fun(: so i skipped training cuz everything ended close to 6. went home, and did my usual stuff. and then i slept at ard 11 after trying to learn eric clapton-.- HE'S A LEGEND WHAT WAS I THINKING? ok, then i woke up at ard 12. and i couldn't sleep after that. so at ard 2.45am, went to meet bryan from lions, with the intention of jogging. we ended up walking to some forested area. damn scary. so we talked, and talked, and talked while walking. went to yewtee to eat supper, in our jogging attire. we ate, and talked. went home at ard 5am, and slept.

you're right, worry for what?

Monday, June 16, 2008

Gosh, i miss my 4e5'07

Saturday, June 14, 2008

so it's 2.52am, and i'm spending my precious sleeping time with yap zhi shen. believe it or not, we're web camming, and i know it sounds pretty freaky, but we often show out nipples to each other. right now, he's telling me to blog, but i seriously don't know what to blog about. he just said, "blog about anything la" so here i am, blogging about "anything"

y'know, it's really funny how the human brain works: i mean, something the size of 1 butt cheek can work miracles. and to think we barely only use 5% of it. lets see, it give everyone emotions, it gives us knowledge to read and do stuff, it helps us do practically everything.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

lets make this post a little more interesting with fun facts.

  1. i'm starting to get the hang of laughter-prohibited training sessions in lions.
  2. i can't wait for the june 28th church outing. will pray that it'll be a blast.
  3. 9 more days till jiejie's return home.
  4. 10 more days till school reopens. shucks.
  5. loving my itunes library.
  6. been watching alot of movies.
  7. want to watch more movies ( dont mess with the zohan; get smart; etc.)

yea. i'm quite moody now. bye.

Monday, June 09, 2008

Tonight, it's gonna be me, my night lights and my bible.

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Well, after today, i realised that "bros", aren't really "bros" after all. How sad.

today was super super fun:D:D

woke up 6am cuz i slept straight after dinner the night before at about 8pm. so i bathed, and left home for breakfast. packed food back for mom, and watched the news. then i came online talked to russell. i found out that russell is a super nice person. ahhaa! ok well, left home at ard 12 to meet zs to collect my lappy from fujitsu. went to funan, and decided to come home after that. while on the busride home, i got a call from peh eh. so i went to meet up with him at batok. so we walked to slack outside hillgrove cuz we missed the old days. so we got our bubble tea, and sat down at the void deck and talked. shortly after that, we saw BOON YAO! HAHA! so we talked to him and awhile after that, we went to his home with the intention of watching him shred his guitar in GUITARHERO! hardcore man, i tell you, that freak boon yao is crazy shit. HE CAN FREAKIN' PLAY DRAGONFORCE ON HIS GUITARHERO MAN!!! THAT'S LIKE THE MOST INTEMEDIATE OF THE EXPERT LEVEL FOR ULTIMATE PROFESSIONALS LA!!!!! AHAHA! crazy shit. so me and peh eh took turns going against boonyao, but he got 6digit scores while me and peheh got 5 digit scores each. sigh. okay, so after that, we decided to try haloIII. and that was when i realised my dear friend boon yao is the FUCKING NUMBER1 RANKING HALO3 PLAYER IN SINGAPORE!!! OMG!! BEST IN SINGAPORE LEH! hahah! crazy shit i tell you. so 3 of us played halo3 against each other in some deathmatch thing, and boonyao's kills were like, 50+ while me and peh eh got 4 or 5 each. boon yao is the coolest guy in the world man i tell you.
okok, after that, me and peheh decided to head on home, cuz i have a date with han rong ahha!

ok, so left home at ard 7pm, waited for bus 927 for HALF A FREAKIN' HOUR. and made my way down to the night safari! so it was me, hanrong, terrie and vanessa. had a hell lotta laughs la! tram rides were awesome with smelly animals and the dark just made it super exciting! after the tram rides, we walked on foot on various trails. then we kept playing with the voice description thing and we did some remixes with 'em till the malays sounded like hokkien, and the japanese sounded like ermmm, soulja boy. soon, it was close to 10, so we took the tram back to the main entrance place. we took some photos along the way, but i dont have 'em now, so i'll post them as soon as i get them, hehe. so then we took a bus down to cck, and we had dinner at like 11pm. sadly, the aunty disliked BAKCHORMEE, so we had to buy from the china man's duck shop. ahah! finished at ard 12.30am. talked and talked, and soon, i was running for my last bus home, thank goodness for 302 ending at 12.50am muahahaha! the 3 of 'em had to settle for a cab. hehe.

anyway, today has been super awesome! thanks alot guys! :) ok, i have a match later on, and i'll probably fracture my neck or sth in it. it's gonna be a super hard and craazy match. die...

Friday, June 06, 2008

Haha, tell me i stand out with my Hillgrove P.E tee.


Thursday, June 05, 2008

ok today was super fun and funny. hehehe! shall elaborate.

so well, went back to school to return my ALMOST overdue books and CDs. met YK and we went to the library. after that, we decided we wanted to go to tiong bahru for some good lor mee. we took the mrt there, and when we reached, it was around 6. so we had our dinner of real, cheap and good Singaporean food. after that, we decided to walk back to tiong bahru, and we saw this nigga. HAHAH!!! yk knows what i did! we ended up running. so well, we decided to take a train to tanjong pagar. while on the train, we saw this really hot chick la. but her back was facing us, and we have not seen her face. so when the train reached tanjong pagar, "she" turned around, and "she" was a bloody TRANNY la!!! HAHAH! damn freaky. so we alighted, and we walked around the alleys of tanjong pagar. Ok, when you think of tanjong pagar, you think CBD, businessmen, banks, shares, blahblahblah. but shit, it's as skanky and sleezy as geylang la! ok, anyway, after walking, we talked over some drinks (coke, not beer) and so we decided to start our quest to esplanade, on foot. we walked and walked aimlessly without a map in hand, only to be guided by our sense of direction and major landmarks. so we did reach the esplanade at around 9.30pm sat down to talk for awhile, and then, we took the bus back to BB, and homeward bound for me.

i just realised my descriptive compo skills have deproved alot.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

MUAHAHAH. the previous post meant ALOT to me. that explains the hiatus. anyway, BENEDICT HEO, i'm posting now, so stop your whining! hahaha!

well, this few days have been A-Okay i suppose. will state the activities i engaged myself in:
  • Ear piercing with GBS(i did not pierce my PRECIOUS ears, both of 'em did)
  • Stay over/guy-gossip/illegal music-sharing/2hr exploration at my place with HAN RONG.
  • Training

so hard to keep your feelings to yourself huh? sigh..

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