The Second Blog

Thoughts that linger in the mind of a Singaporean teen.
By Kelvin Choo

Sunday, September 14, 2008



Us with the last remaining Rocket

And to end things off....

Saturday, September 13, 2008

In Vietnam, Everyone can be a Millionaire.

So ok, yesterday was funny, Syaffiq, PayEh, Afiq, Bryan and me played with Fire Sparklers. Nope, we didn't play with it the TYPICAL CONVENTIONAL way. We used it - Rocket Style. So yes, it was super fun. we took some stupid pictures and we chilled till the wee hours of the night. later, me and bryan walked home from BukitBatok. Yes, i stay at YewTee. Pictures up soooooon.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Okay, this week has practically been hell for me. Mainly cuz i had to get gastric flu - all thanks to Malaysia. So yes, an entire perfect week of the long awaited semester holidays - completely wasted at home with an upset stomach.

Ok anyway, please note that i wont be in town from the 14th-17th Sept. Will be overseas with my parents.


Monday, September 08, 2008

with EASEE......
and check out the spectators!!

Thursday, September 04, 2008

So yes, pictures, and ermmmmm....Comments to go alongside the pictures.

4E5 Class Reunion @ Chris's Crrrrrib! - 01/09/08

ChuaYongJie Watching his Tiko ChannelU show with Taiwan chicks.

Chris's super friendly Canine buddy.

Our lunch and main activity: Maggi Mee Buffet. Beat that sucka.

Mr ChunHow: "Arghhh, I suck at everything."

From left to right: Claudia, ChuaYongJie, KwohChunHow, KheeTeng(KheeLengKia)

ChristopherPeterChong and ClaudiaChan

4e5'07: It just doesn't get any better than this (:

Bubble Pop Club Outing! - 03/09/08

Moo, Kim & Zul - Fascination at lingerie.

Zul misses being young.....

...and so do i.

Well, so does Kim.



Sis: 'My friend says it works leh."
Mom: 'Wa, very good leh"

Cartoon version. So damn Cute.

Real-Life version. So damn ugly...

'Found him!"

And to my sister EvelynChoo "You think get to catch Thrice live you you very pro ah? Beat this man!!"

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