After all the blabbering about how shitty SP is and all its other negative crap you've heard about, lemme state 10 cool things ONLY SP has.
- Singing Stones- No Shit, the stones outside SP's Moberly block really do sing.
- Ice Cream Vending Machines- Cool, until it gave me Vanilla instead of friggin chewy blueberry..TWICE SUMMORE. Dammit.
- A Travel Agency- I do not know for what purpose, but cool nevertheless.
- An Optical Shop(What the hell?!)
- Lifts with touch sensor buttons. (ultimate)
- Awesome 5-storey library with CDs that we can borrow! (and rip)
- Cheap & good $2 Kuey Png (Better Than Boon Tong Kee)
- Cheap & good 50cents Chin Chow (ChknRice+ChnChw = EvrydayMeal)
- FoodCourt 1 doubles as a bird park!
- Most toilets have 2 main doors that lead to the same Entrance/Exit( weird)
Dreamt of you two nights in a row. I guess i just can't forget you after 4 years of trying.
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