The Second Blog

Thoughts that linger in the mind of a Singaporean teen.
By Kelvin Choo

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

After all the blabbering about how shitty SP is and all its other negative crap you've heard about, lemme state 10 cool things ONLY SP has.

  • Singing Stones- No Shit, the stones outside SP's Moberly block really do sing.
  • Ice Cream Vending Machines- Cool, until it gave me Vanilla instead of friggin chewy blueberry..TWICE SUMMORE. Dammit.
  • A Travel Agency- I do not know for what purpose, but cool nevertheless.
  • An Optical Shop(What the hell?!)
  • Lifts with touch sensor buttons. (ultimate)
  • Awesome 5-storey library with CDs that we can borrow! (and rip)
  • Cheap & good $2 Kuey Png (Better Than Boon Tong Kee)
  • Cheap & good 50cents Chin Chow (ChknRice+ChnChw = EvrydayMeal)
  • FoodCourt 1 doubles as a bird park!
  • Most toilets have 2 main doors that lead to the same Entrance/Exit( weird)

Dreamt of you two nights in a row. I guess i just can't forget you after 4 years of trying.

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