The Second Blog

Thoughts that linger in the mind of a Singaporean teen.
By Kelvin Choo

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I was watching Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie earlier in the day on MioTV and man, did that movie bring back memories or what. I can still recall watching it in my kindergarten days with a VCR and adopting roles of different coloured rangers with my sis. I also remembered watching the movie with such enthusiasm when Ivan Ooze and the Megazord fought. Even phrases such as "you can run but you can't hide" are still frequently used by me.

and then i thought to myself, "gone are the days of fantasy belief".

Now, we live in the real world...

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Blessed belated Christmas to all you guys out there!

and sorry for the blogging hiatus, don't really have much to blog about these few days. hmmm, nvm, i'll blog again at the end of the year. Till then, happy new year in advance!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Sometimes life can be a little unfair.
An opportunity missed,
An attempt at failure,
A loss of a life...

But life is like a flower.
It blooms when the time is right.
When it does, it's really pretty to look at.
But when the flower dries up and drops from the plant,
There is no more beauty
but knowing you saw the flower before it withered,
makes it a fond memory.
Treasure that memory of the flower.

This goes out to all those painfully scarred by the tragic deaths of our 2 beloved friends
Afiq and Syaffiq
and the duo themselves

Rest in peace and may God's mercy be upon your souls

Thursday, December 10, 2009

I recall reading The Straits Times a few weeks back, and coming across this article in the Life! section. It was a report on the most annoying word, and similarly, it's also reported in several renowned news agencies around the world. True enough, the word is none other than


I mean seriously, who cannot agree less?

Next time when you're eating at a hawker centre, and a crazy beggar comes up to you asking for money to buy his cigarettes and beer, don't tell him to F off, tell him...


Friday, December 04, 2009

What's that?
Is it true?
You're kidding

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