The Second Blog

Thoughts that linger in the mind of a Singaporean teen.
By Kelvin Choo

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Wow, I was watching an episode of Top Gear (Specifically Season13 Epi 2), and I saw the prettiest British ever. I've saved screenshots of her, and here she is:

Oh and in case you're confused, i'm referring to the one in the grey top.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

You know it's been quite a long while since I posted something quite close to my heart on this blog, and that only means I finally realised how corny I was before, constantly posting stuff on this blog regarding emotional aspects of life, only to seek sympathy for myself, which is quite pathetic I must say..

But honestly speaking, it's not only the realisation of how corny it was to post such stories that stopped me from doing it. It was more of growing cold to those things. I sort of went through a... blank phase of my life. It's like, looking back at these past few years, and all I could see, was an empty desert with a trail of footsteps set by me on the brown sand.

and I thought about it, and found out these years of "blankness" were more of less the time I spent(or am spending..) in polytechnic.

I mean, I'm not saying it's bad or anything, but look at it this way, 3 years of my teens are wasted, with memories similar to a rock - blank, cold and boring. Which also brings to mind how the older folks always tell me to treasure my youth and have fun while I still can.

Yesss, I know that means being childish and emotional, but at the end of the day, who cares what other people say about you being childish when you know you lived your teenage years to the fullest? There's always time to be an adult, and inevitably so too.

I kinda remember how life was back in secondary school, everyday was an adventure with hormones raging all over my mind. One day you're happy, and the next, you're sad, and you're always struggling to seek companionship - both friendship and BGRs. All of which comes together in a whirlwind of emotions.

I was rummaging through a box I kept snug in a discrete cupboard in my room. This box is what I like to call, my Memory Box. As the name suggests, it's sort of a time capsule. So anyway, I found many things from letters and photographs to yearbooks, all collected over the years. I decided to compile all these memorable things many years ago so that I can look back at my life and maybe even show my kids in the future how their daddy was like in his youth. A few things that couldn't escape my attention in the box were a few gifts and letters from a particular friend. I must admit I had feelings for that friend, and every single time I open up the box and come across these gifts and letters, I cannot help myself but wonder why I was such a wuss in the past when all it needed were a few words. I suppose you guys can guess what happened haha. It's nothing much, but I'm just embarrassed to go into detail.

Anyway, it's quite obvious there was regret in all of that reminiscing, and it really feels good to spill everything out on this blog, like a personal diary you know, only not so personal hurrhurr.

So if you feel you're young and have a lot ahead of you, you might wanna take this piece of advice and treasure your youth before it all runs out, like the sand in an hourglass or something.

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