The Second Blog

Thoughts that linger in the mind of a Singaporean teen.
By Kelvin Choo

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

christmas soon!

yeah!!! christmas is approaching!! santa! gimme new strings! a creative zen! a new tv! more ps2 games! AND EVERYTHING NICE!


fishing 'n' rugby

wheee! these few days were great man! didn't suffer any signs of boredom! haha! i'm gonna tell you all about it! wheee!!!

alright, saturday was great! first, i went to turf city to play a game with the past members of northern knights. wahhh! freakin big lah they all! haha! anyway, after the match, i was damn shagged, my whole body ached like fuck man.haha! after that, i went to makan with the rest, and went home. haha! damn fun. i reached home at about 10.30pm, feeling like an old man about to die. then, my sis told me that we were going fishing later at 1.30am. i was like, WTF?! haha!! but we really went. reached home at 4am. and straight away slept my ass off. the next day, i gotta wake up early to go for church. i slept in church(no surprise). after church, my family and i went to eat at teck whye, and i saw chun how!hahah!!! damn funny. after eating, we went home and slept. about 2 hrs later, i was waken up by my mom, and we decided to go fishing again! wheee! i was still damn tired btw. we went at about 4pm. we went to tuas. and then at about 7pm, we made our way to changi as there were alot of rocks in tuas. changi was almost "rockless" but the fishes were unusually smart. changi was much much cleaner than tuas. we finished fishing at about 12am, and we made our way home. i came home and straight away turned on the tv for the chelsea match. and yes! chelsea was leading 1-0 to arsenal, we won 2-0 in the end. thanks joe cole! i slept just before full time, on the 80th min mark, and woke up again at full time. i walked to my room, feeling everything spinning, and slept immediately.

today, i woke up at 2pm, and played gta. then yk came over. then we played, then he went. and here i am.hahaha! i'm gonna stop here. bye!

Saturday, December 17, 2005


oh man! hahaha! yesterday was fun man! hahaha! i went bowling with jeremy, yk, sharlyn and yoke teng.haha!but the fucked up part, is that out of the 2 games we played, i got the lowest scores for both. sheat! ahha! for some reason, i felt the outing was really awkward. oh well.

after bowling, i went to west mall with yk to get the five remaining books for next year. bloody fuck man! it's a fuckin book shop(popular) and i could only find 1 book. it was the poa book. darn... after popular, yk decided to come to my place, and like every other time, we played gta. ahha! and now, i only left with 1 major missions! whoo hoo! but for now, gotta gain back teritory for the grove street family. i'll stop here, so bye!

Thursday, December 15, 2005

sorry man

hey dudes, sorry if i haven't been blogging lately alright. it's just that i'm not doing anything. haha!!!! alright. i'm stuck at this mission in gta, and again, it involves flying. dammit.. anyway, i just watched this movie on this malaysian channel. it's called tigerland, and it's fucking nice man! damn sad actually. darn, if you happen to see the vcd lying around in any of those vcd shops you go to, i really recomend you get it. <---------check out the webbie.

Monday, December 12, 2005


You Are 35% Normal

(Occasionally Normal)

You sure do march to your own beat...

But you're so weird, people wonder if it's a beat at all

You think on a totally different wavelength

And it's often a chore to get people to understand you

Trust me, i dont get the picture too. it's fuckin late, or should i say early?

Sunday, December 11, 2005


you know what i did today? hahahaha!! well, in the early hours of today, i stayed up to catch the world cup draw thingy. thanks to andrew.hahhaha! it was super boring. i slept at about 6am. after that, about 1pm, while i was sleeping, wei en called me, and asked me if i wanted to go have dinner, i agreed, and then went back to sleep for awhile. i woke up, and played tony hawk's american wasteland. then started to get ready. i left home, and met them at gombak. alltogether, wei en, zs, andrew and me went. we first went to pacific plaza as wei en wanted to get a pencil box for his cousin. i saw this freakin nice wallet man. and i got it! we went to marina south after that. you know, the korean buffet restaurant? yeah. anyway, it was damn wasted. i wasn't hungry at all at that time. but i paid anyway. the food was great man! especially the pepper crab! hahahaha!!! well, as usual, we stole eggs, and smashed them on cars.hahaha!after that, we went home, and here i am! well, i'm now watching arsenal vs newcastle, so, dont disturb me!

Friday, December 09, 2005


oh man, i'm damn tired man. only got to sleep for 5 hrs the night before. i just had to catch the benfica and man u match man. then had to wake up early to get books and uniform. the next day, i made my way to school to get books. met yk as i was getting my uniform. he then came to my place to help me complete ALOT of gta missions. THANKYOU YK. i owe you nasi lemak and a burger!! after that, it was ps2 and com all the way.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

fuck you bitch

seriously man. i hate you to the core. you're just a fuckin poser.. asshole... you piss me off like fuck. you and your friend can fuck off.

my day is as usual, so dont ask. did nothing special. fuck. now waiting for the chelsea vs liverpool match. bye.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005


hahaha! well, this is my new blog. looks kinda weird huh? hahaha at least i got a new blog name. i love it! ahhahaha!! stayed at home the past few days. play ps2. i bet it's gonna blow up anytime soon. it's 6.43am and i'm not asleep.

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