The Second Blog

Thoughts that linger in the mind of a Singaporean teen.
By Kelvin Choo

Tuesday, May 30, 2006


heyo dudes and dudettes! anyway, yesterday i met up with the rest of my rugger dudes, and we made our way to ccab for this touch tournament which we THOUGHT was for secondary schools. but unfortunately, smart chung and teo signed up for a tournament that was for under19's, which meant, jc, ite and poly students could participate. 1 word-GREAT.. 3 teams from hillgrove participated. and i was in team 3. team 2 was the best as they could beat alot of tertiary students to end up third of all the schools. power right?! respect man. my team play like shit, but it was really funny! haha!! oh, and i forgot to say. it was a bloody rainy day, and the field started out like a swimming pool of brownish water, and at the end, it was thick mud all over the field. damn funny. and the worst thing, i didn't bring my boots, so i used my climacools to play in the mud. hhahaa!! 100+ dollars shoes used to play in the mud. power man. going home was the biggest prob, and thank goodness dad fetched me home.

hey roy, sorry man. just keep in mind that you'll always have your bros to keep you company. :P

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

woookay, well, on saturday, sayffiq, tsu haw and i went to town because each and everyone of us were bloody bored. ahha. we went there with no particular goal, and in the end, we ended up in raffles city. i got this long sleeve shirt, and yeah, i know you're laughing. oh well. went home at about midnight.

today was boredome as there was hate everywhere. especially within my bros. sigh.. disturbed shahir until sian, then thought of something else for awhile, then felt like shit. then went home. i am fuckin weird. i soo fuckin wanna die la.. but i thank god for my rugby bros in school.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

screwdriver jam

today, screwdriver went jamming straight after school, but unfortunately, firman couldn't go at the last minute. so me, roy and bapok went instead. hui yi followed along to watch. jamming was quite rusty, but it still went out well. after jamming, we went to eat at KFC. after that, went homeeeeeee.

anyway, during d&t period, jasmine and maryam painted my nails, and they look amazing la! ahaha!! i'm soo gay. wait, no.painting my nails isn't being gay. it's being metrosexual, just like jonny wilkinson.

i really hope we get to perform man. really wanna perform. darn. hope mdm khong lends us the drums. alright alright, i'll stop here for now.

Friday, May 19, 2006




okay, i'm gonna blog for yesterday and today.hahah!!

ok, yesterday was kinda exciting in the later part of the day, but i'm gonna blog for the whole day. yesterday we got back our d&t and english results. i did like shit for d&t, but for english, I GOT HIGEST IN CLASS! WHOO! ahahha. but i still got really low. anyway, after school, i went for some pri school camp organising thingy. and for some unknown reason, they put me overall incharge. i tell you ah, those attending the camp will all die. haha! anyway, had to skip rugby for that camp thing, and for some other reason. after that, i met up with zhi shen to come to my place to watch the champions league finals-BARCA WON LA!- ok, i met him at bp plaza, and his mom gave my family a cake. thanks zs's mom! we then took a taxi to my place, courtesy of zs. hahah!! we stopped at yew tee to have dinner. and soon, andrew tagged along. after eating, we walked to my place, and when we reached, it was about 8pm. we did all sorts of stuff like playing the game of life, which was fuckin funny la!!! ahaahah!!!(nothing unclean) and at around 2.30am, we turned on the tv to catch the finals! barca and arsenal. we ordered macs at around 3am. we watched, and watched and finally, barce won! ahhaha. i then cooked some sort of egg-sausage thingy, and i got zs to try it out for me. haha!!! it was damn smelly and it tasted horrible. after eating a morsel of it, i threw it away. after that, we went to sleep. we woke up the next afternoon at around 1.30pm, and we started playing winning eleven 9. play a sort of league, and andrew ended up last!! haha!! i drew with zs but i ended up top with goal diffrence. haha! we played the game of life after that. we had lunch, and zs had to leave. soon after, andrew also left. i was bored for awhile, and then, i met up with tsu haw and roy to catch a movie. haha! we caught MI3, and it was really good la! the movie started at 9.15pm. during the movie, roy and i laughed like hell la! tsu haw was irritated, and after the movie, he nagged at us like a ah pek like that. haha! funny shit.we went home at around 11.30pm.

yeah, that's about it. hopefully tmr going jamming. hahah. keyword-hopefully. anyway, i think i'll stop here. bye babes.

Monday, May 15, 2006


today was scary man.. real real scary. because, results. i really dont wanna think of the consequences la..shit..

anyway, after school, i stay in school to wait for bapok and the other screwdrivers(band) to go to my place to choose some songs, and darn bapok got some street soccer thingy. so we had to wait for him la.. was damn irritated at first, but was ok after awhile. anyway, while we were waiting, firman, syazwan and i played around with the rugby ball in school. haha. at about 4pm, all the screwdrivers came over to my place and we chose the songs. finally la! anyway, can't tell you too much. haha! my life is plain boring. that's why i hate it.

Friday, May 12, 2006

new blogskin

wheeeee. new blogskin.hahahah! was bored, so i changed my blogskin.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

whoo whuuu!

haha! got a new phone! whee!! anyway, exams are finally over, and yes! i feel free! well, life is kinda boring for me nowadays because i haven't gone out in years man. but thank goodness for yk's mp3 player man! thanks yk!

i'll now talk bout the exams! ahaha! the math paper was the first math paper that i actually can do la! ahha! quite confident i wont get 25/100 again.hahahahahahahhahahahahahaha!

and i ask myself, why fake the laughter? i'm not a single bit happy..

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