The Second Blog

Thoughts that linger in the mind of a Singaporean teen.
By Kelvin Choo

Friday, November 30, 2007


price of epiphone 1958 korina explorer: $813.20
price of epiphone thunderbird IV bass: $813.20
price of realising you have both of them: priceless

there are some things money can't buy, for everything else, there's mastercard.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


i 'm gonna miss a lot of things after secondary school.......

  1. i'm really really really gonna miss my class.. my loving class full of different people who can hang around with each other.
  2. gonna miss my super cool school rugby team. i really really hope for a last match to be played together cuz we'll definately kick up a hell of a game!
  3. gonna miss the front table full of mats. ahahhahah! prakash disturbing everyone walking past. ahahahahahahah! buey tahan.
  4. the fuckin caring teachers who never gave up on me:D(except mr yang guang shan the china boy)
oh welll, everything's gonna end some time. be it good or bad.

all these close people i have in school will soon have to part from me and one another, and when they do, i really dont think there's such a thing as reunion cuz like, the people wouldn't be the same. really sad actually. cuz you really love these people, and when you realised they've changed for the better or worse, you know that it wouldn't be the same anymore. damn sad huh?

Friday, November 23, 2007

red camp?

well, in case you know already, i wanna tell you that i've decided to stop it.

sigh... regrets ey? dont ask why.

anyway, went to ngee ann poly for some red camp event on thursday which was actually one of the poly's ways to get gulible students to join the poly for the wrong reasons just so they could earn a profit out of fees. i mean, clubbing in the school campus? speechless. they even went to the extent of holding social events so that "hip" students will enjoy their time at NP. all crap. but i have to admit, the courses there are cool. especially film, sound & video. whao. another course is horticulture and landscape management. damn cool. if i were to get myself to a poly, it'll definately be one of these 2 unless the king(dad) wants otherwise, oh well. i went with cindy, yk and chris thoughout the whole thing, and i could clearly see many were there for the wrong reasons. after the whole thing, it was ard 8+. yk, cindy and chris went to play pool while i went home. hate pool. i then decided not to go for the remaining 2 days of the red camp. i've gotten what i went there for, and that's knowledge of the 2 courses(shut up, i'm not cool, i know). huahuahua.

Saturday, November 17, 2007


hahaha, class chalet just ended today, and i made some achievements, but i dont think i'll tell it to the world. heh.

Monday, November 12, 2007



i feel so guilty..

please forgive me man..

i guess it wont be as fun on wednesday onwards as you'd think it would be already man..

really sorry, hope i wont ruin things for you guys..

Wednesday, November 07, 2007


hmmm, sometimes i wonder why i can't speak chinese well. when i talk to family members and when they find out that i take CLb, it embarrasses me. really.

these few days, sigh, no satisfaction in the o'levels.. damn it, been slacking ALOT as the papers pass. i'm probably gonna screw my humanities up like shit.. who knows what POA has in stored for me? it's tough la. now i'm never gonna live with the guilt of screwing my life up in this single exam.

so the CLb paper is on this coming monday - both paper1 and paper2.

all the best to Amir, Gordon, terrence, gerrald, jayme, florence, daniel Eee(however it's spelt), winston, wei kang, the china girl (?!), the malaysian guy, timothy(i think i spelt it wrongly again), and all the rest of the loving CLb classmates whom i only got to know at the near end of the term. i doubt any of you guys read my blog anyway. shit.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

yep people.

people, enjoy your adolescent years. you'll regret not enjoying it in the future ey.

today was the physics paper and it was so-so la. and the POA paper can suck my ****.

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