The Second Blog

Thoughts that linger in the mind of a Singaporean teen.
By Kelvin Choo

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


hmmm, i dont think i wanna post bout CNY. the only fun parts were the mahjong and red packets.

yesterday was great, met up with 4e5'07 to catch a movie with ms cheryl at marina square. we watched kung fu dunk, and although the movie wasn't the least bit fantastic, watching it with my ex-classmates made it absolutely worthwhile:) the theater was pretty much empty lar! only my class, and about 10 other people watching only. damn pathetic. ok, after the movie, we went to the food court to have lunch. we talked and caught up with one another as we ate and man, was it fun. after eating and talking, Ray and ChunHow had to rush off, so we sent them to the MRT station and they took a train from there. after that, we didn't know where to go, so we decided to go visit nazirul at suntec where he's working. so like, we went to visit him, after that, we sat at the coffee bean and talked. after that, ard 6plus, we made our way home. they stopped at bukitbatok to have dinner and i continued on home to company my sis, she's leaving on wednesday:(

today was also awesome. went to school and got the special Bubble Pop Ring from izza. damn funny, haha, we wrote our names on the Bubble Pop Rings and we blew bubbles with it in the library. got chased out soon after. had a long break, and after that, we messed around with Mr Choy!Choy!Choy!!!! wahaha!!!! you wouldn't believe what we did la!!!! or more likely, what fariz did. damn mean, but damn funny. we talked about him and other things during the whole 2 periods of econs, and after the second bell rang for dismissal, we straight away made our way to Marina(again-.-) to have lunch at the same place(again-.-) cuz izza wanted nasi ayam penyet(again!-.-!) wahahha! ok lar, then after eating, we went to carrefour at suntec(AGAIN!) to get groceries for "the last supper" wahaha! no la, more of, the last supper together with my sis in a year and a half's time. while at carrefour, we kept on playing with the voice recorder thingy, and it was damn ammusing la!!! haha! me, izza and hajar were ammused with the voice recording toy, whereas kim and zul were obsessed with the drawing thing. moo was stoned la! whahah! after that, we got the groceries, and then decided to head on home. kim took the bus, and hajar and izza took the dunno which line to the east. Moo took another train with his friend who followed us, and zul went home on the same train as me. he stopped at CCK, and i stopped at yewtee. went to NTUC to get last few stuff, and went home.

i really hope the guys in 08A3 will keep in touch man. nice group of people. ahahaah.

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