The Second Blog

Thoughts that linger in the mind of a Singaporean teen.
By Kelvin Choo

Monday, March 31, 2008

Hermon Chicks.

today i'm feeling good, so i shall listen to allll my favourite songs, which includes LOG! MUAHAHAHAHA!

ok, today, i made a deal with han rong to both blog about H.C so,i shall. wahah! okok, it all started in church today when i sat with my dad during sermon cuz mom wasn't feeling well and stayed home. then after service, which was about 10.30am, i met the guys and first, we went to happy mart(some lousy minimart nearby) where han rong got some currypuff and ermm, lube? hahahha! then we went back to church for ACM which we weren't required to attend cuz we're under 21! wasted trip. so we decided to ditch ACM and went down. then ben wanted pizza real badly, so we walked to pizza hut and got ourselves(me, hanrong, benmoh, shawn) 2 pan pizzas. after eating, they did some crazy things. ahaha! when it was nearing 1pm, we walked back to church to meet our folks. we were kinda early, so we decided to look at some H.C hahaha!! yea, like what han rong said, he and i got the most beserk over 'em. (han rong, i'm sure we both love newyork now:D) so after that, dad was done with ACM, we fetched hanrong to cck, and picked mom up, and went for lunch. then came home.


Sunday, March 30, 2008



dont ask me to rub salt on it, i'll never do it.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

CJC match

arghh, you know the piece of skin under your lower lip and above the chin? the skin that gets pierced? yea, i got that busted today. now, it stings real bad.


Wednesday, March 26, 2008


you can never know yourself well enough until someone tells you sth new about yourself that has been hidden since whenever. i found out sth about myself, and i'm damn ashamed of it, and if YOU are listening: sorry k? i guess you can move on now, and well, i'll try to support your decsions and advice for your benefit ok? and i'll stop being childish.

thanksa Sony!! for the character evalution!

Monday, March 24, 2008

mr emo

awwww, say hi to Mr.Sad.

Sunday, March 23, 2008


so like the week has been fully booked here's how i spent it:D


followed YK to SP to get his registration shit done cuz he followed me the previous time. we skipped all the oriention camps and club invite shit. then yk damn poor thing. ahah! the lappy he wanted was sold out, so he had to settle for a "stupid" HP he hated. k so after the long wait for the laptop, we decided to go to west mall for dinner. met Mrs Low, Ms Toh and Ms Yanti. ahah! i talked to mrs low for quite awhile. she asked me how i was and stuff, and i really miss her man, although the class didn't really like her, i did appreciate her and i hope she knows it. okay, so after talking to the teachers, went on to have dinner and hear YK talk bad about his ms toh. ahaha!! then after that, went home.


tuesday is damn fun. stayed home the whole day when i left home to meet up with YK again for dinner. so we went to bukit batok to take some bus to wherever when it ended up in kent ridge. and from kent ridge, we took another random bus, and we stopped at tiong bahru for dinner. ate at the tiong bahru market. we had singapore's best lor mee. awesome shit i tell you. after eating, we slowly walked back to the mrt and then went home. talked non stop thruout the whole time. i can never be bored with YK man. ahahha


went to spotlight with kimmers to get yarn and this book about this russian guy. spent alot of time in spotlight la, choosing different coloured yarn with different textures. some were colourful, some were dull, some were soft, some were dreadlocks.haha! ok, then we talked cock over lunch., and then i went home.


k so since friday was good friday, some of the YDG guys namely Han Rong, Weng Kinn, Shawn and Edward decided to have a sleepover at hanrong's place. ahaha! damn fucking fun i tell you. so ok, we had mahjong, i won 4 times in a row, better than wenkinn la! ahah! k, so like, we watched some sick MTV show called scarred. sick shit man. i was shivering thtoughout damn it. after the show, we watched SawII together on the bed. damn fun la! can cuddle up! wahaha! sounded damn gay. k then we had our "MUST-HAVE" girl gossip till 7am. wahah! damn damn damn fun night. shawn, me and edward were farting non-stop for the whole bloody night. shawn had the most air, while edward was the smelliest.


so like, after 7am, we all made our way to my place so that i could change up for good friday service. we all got ready, then we made our way to church together in our matt theme. damn embarrassing la! ok, we stopped the matt shit after awhile. so like, han rong and i slept through out the whole service. felt quite bad. then like, after service, rushed home to leave home again for 4e5 bbq that was pretty much disappointing. sigh. well, at least i could talk to some of em whom i havent talked to for ages like xin ru and eri. okay, so llike, shan't elaborate about the day. reached home at midnight, and went online for awhile before sleeping.


woke up at 2pm, and went to meet YK again to go make ez-link card. bloody shit, the earliest date is the 31st. ok then we went on to lot1 to walk walk before taking the bus to my place to have a 10buck "gong bao ji ding" damn it, it was huge. hahah! damn funny la! okok, so like after that, came over to my place to talk crap and stuff, then left at ard 6.45 for granny's b'day at some hotel. dropped YK off, and went there. the awkwardness wasn't that bad as how it usually was on other occasions. so we all talked about poly and stuff. fetched granny home, and went home ourselves. been online ever since.

damn long week i had. ahah! Many thanks to everyone who made my entire week fun:D

Sunday, March 16, 2008


k. yesterday, used the comp till 8pm, when my parents had guests over. so i stopped, and went to my room. listened to the radio, and the next thing i knew i woke up at 3.30am. went to pee, and the tried to sleep again, but to no avail. tossed and turned for bout 10 mins before heading to the study room to use the comp. then logged on to TMB(i'm back! 420 wan shui!) to find out that the family was at war with the entire NYC union la! damn it. ahah! fuck those cosa nostra bitches. KISS MY 420 ASS NOSTRA BITCHES. ok. after TMB, talked to safiee on msn. then sent him a few songs. then i talked to jasper and i made breakfast. and the sun rose, and i organised my itunes and played heroes3. then i did my stuff, and then i had quality time with my mom. hahahhaa. helped her with the house chores. vacuumed the whole house and then i spent time with her at the dining table drinking tea and eating fruits and talking about life. then the karungoonee woman came and i sold my sec school notes and books to her. haha, she is damn damn smelly i tell you. i'm 1 meter away, and i can smell her wrath. then i went to play with bert. i bet you guys dont know who's bert. bert is long time friend of mine and my sister.HEHE. ok, then after playing with bert, i've been on MSN ever since. bored man. later going out with 4e5 for bowling! wahaha! awesome la you guys! ok, that's about all i did. gonna whack some cosa nostra punk ass bitches now. ciao.

p.s.~ to find out what TMB is, you see the lion heart above? click on it HEHEHEHEHHE!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

thanks ah.

k i'm back. well, i was back yesterday. well, i did not really enjoy the "holidays" cuz to me, everyday is a holiday, so it doesn't really make much difference, and considering my comp crashed(wtf) didn't make it any better. all i did was go out with yk on our usual destination-less trips to wherever, and stay at home and do my own stuff like watching the news or knit. and now that my comp is fixed, i'm trying to stop being too dependent on it already. time to live prehistoric.

Monday, March 10, 2008


ok, comp crashed. luckily had my dad's office to submit all my poly shit before the dateline. wahahahahah. ok, damn frustrated now. shall go call Dell soon. won't be going online as often now. byebye.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

ya lor now very quiet.

so it ends here- my life of fun. now, it's stone with hardly any days marked on my phone calendar. only a 4e5'07 bbq to look forward to. others like training and friday carpark soccer are a standard. where are the GBS outings and chalet huh? charlie and bravo-make time for it please. then BPC? when's the next laughter filled outing to probably marina square(sorry i had to skip plaza sing mann)? ahh, someone please ask me out. anything beats staying at home staring at the computer with my aqua hobbies.

okay, so been busy with poly admin shit. so confusing it's driving me nuts. haven't seen that many words since the big O's. well, i didn't really study in PAE, that's why it didn't count. heh. my dad's constantly reassuring me that everything is settled, but i still feel sth's missing. soo weird.

been falling sick quite often. at first fever, then ok for about a week, then slight fever again. then food poisoning. but the thing is that, everyone's been falling sick, so i shall push the blame on the weather. heh. sooo cold. but the food poisoning part is to be blamed on fuckin penang.

Friday, March 07, 2008


ahh, penang. what comes to mind when you hear Penang is delicious Laksa and awesome Char Kuay Teow. it's a place to go to satisfy your undying craving for good and cheap food. not only that, Penang also punches in more than what you ask for. it provides you with food poisoning and a few extra rounds of running.

Monday, March 03, 2008

wong kan "ni na bu" seng

hahahahah, bloody hell, listening to my dad scold Deputy Prime Minister Wong Kan Seng cracks me up. but honestly, letting this Mas Selamat guy escape is a damn bad mistake to commit. reeeeal bad.

well, i skipped rugby training on sat cuz i still had fever, so i stayed home the whole day.

today was fun, went to church, talked to the guys at church after service, and then went home to sleep. parents went to m'sia(their favourite travel destination -.-) just to get goreng pisang. when i woke up, went to meet up with YK to have lunch at the chinatown food centre at outram. had some fish head thing which was awesome. i tell you ah, YK and zhi shen are the only friends i can go out with and eat true singapore food man. i miss zhi shen though. long time never talk to him, and to think about the fact that he was my closest friend in sec2. ahhh. ok, anyway, after eating, we decided to shop for my shabby OBS shirt and khakis. ok, so we went to the heeren to get stuff, and decided to come home after that. on the way home on bus 174, the bus stopped at these few bus stops, and like, tonnes of smelly phillipino maids with their boyfriends. and we laughed and laughed and we also laughed at this old man, whose balls almost dangled out of his shorts. HAHHAHAHA!! aiya, hard to explain la. heh. well that's all.

i'll be outta town from monday till wedesday, so if you wanna contact me, wait till wed cuz i wont be bringing my phone along.

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