The Second Blog

Thoughts that linger in the mind of a Singaporean teen.
By Kelvin Choo

Monday, April 28, 2008

yesterday was training at Lions. For at that point of time, rugby wasn't really enjoyable.

today, church was fun, went for YKG, cleared my mind of a few burning questions, and went to queensway with hanrong and wengkinn. DAMN FUN LA. ahaha! we got a few stuff. hanrong got running shoes. i got boots and.....*drum roll*....... AN AWESOME LAVA LAMP! yeeee haw!

as elated as i am, i'm pretty certain that we'll keep in touch as buddies till we grow old cuz we'll always be in the same church won't we? ahahha. and occasions like mahjong night(gossip night) and the p6 chalet(biohazard) will always be in our memories(:

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