The Second Blog

Thoughts that linger in the mind of a Singaporean teen.
By Kelvin Choo

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

"Klean" is magnificent, but ever rarely loses years which observed negatively gives itself loose optimum virtues everytime. yup, over, under- vanishes entirely. relatively yellow membrane up cleans hyper.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Pizza Day - The Aquabats

Hooray for Pizza Day
Hooray for Pizza Day
I miss Pizza Day
The best day of the week!
says michael jackson of encino, california!
when he's not at his little theme park,
he's eatin pizza with the kids.
oh boy moon walkers back!
have a slice buddy,
take off your glove first
you'll enjoy it more.


Sunday, May 25, 2008

ahaha, it's all gonna end soon, very soon, this thing is gonna end, and we'll all be HOMELESS. wtf. thanks to some people who had to SCARE off some others by bringing in their friends to eat away our fun. now, it's just like going to the ZOO, every single time. there goes my $20. so much for "improvement"..

so the term test begins tmr all thru' to friday, and everything is going downhill for me at this current moment. so hard to pick myself up. i miss the holidays so much. had so much time to kill without feeling guilty. now, time is worth gold, and i'm wasting it blogging. and these few days, i found out that many people actually read my blog. they just dont tag. it's quite interesting to know that people actually bother to read about your life. oh, that also means that i have to watch what i blog about now.

uuh, yea, bye. time to go back to drawing mass concrete deep strip foundations. pffft.

Friday, May 23, 2008

i swear this is emo shit.

Rules of the Taggy Quiz:

A] People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs & replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.

B] Tag 5 people to do this quiz & those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by & cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by. Continue this game by sending it to other people.

Here are my answers:

#1. If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be ?

i will cry, and cry, and cry, and ermmm, drink. and bug my buddies for advice.

#2. If you can have a dream come true, what would it be ?

that's quite hard, cuz i have lotsa dreams.

#3. What will your dream wedding be like ?

secondary school friends must attend it. must not be in a temple. just at a hotel. that'll be fine.

#4. Are you afraid as to what lies ahead of you ?

hells yea. you're damn right i do.

#5. What's your ideal lover like ?

English speaking, cute, laughs at my jokes.(RARE)

#6. Which is more comfortable: briefs or boxers?

depends. briefs when rugby-ing, boxers any other time.

#7. How long do you intend to wait for someone u really love ?

SIA LA. is 4 years long enough? that's my current record. but forever for the one i truly love i guess.

#8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do ?

keep quiet. wait. watch my distance.but if it's not worth the wait, then i'll try to forget her.

#9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days ?

thinking of girls.

#10. What do you want most in life ?

be with God in heaven.

#11. Is being tagged fun ?

quite embarrassing leh.

#12. How do you see yourself in ten years time ?

at the construction site, scolding china men with my dad.

#13. Who is the current most important person to you ?

bob marley. haha, i can't answer this question.

#14. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is ?


#15. Would you rather be single & rich or married but poor ?

single and rich. damn. married and poor = unhappy marriage.

#16. If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be ?

a dog is perfect. i want a big majestic loyal German shepherd

#17. What are one of those things which you would prefer not to be ?

be so materialistic. there you go, I'm materialistic.

#18. What kind of person do you think you are ?

materialistic and easily influenced.

#19. What do you define as a bad day ?

when i don't get a good sleep the night before. and when i have tonnes of assignments.

#20. If you have to choose between love (as in boy-girl relationships) and friendship, what would it be ?

dunno, haven't been in a relationship before.

I was tagged by BravoBen .

My next 5 targets are : xiao ming, xiao hua, ah beng, ah seng, ah lian.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Cheers, to 3 years of havoc & fun

Sunday, May 18, 2008

awesome foursome. HAHAH!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

yea, for those who have not seen me in ages, i've grown alot taller. and alvin, ermm... he shrunk.

the many million-billion-trillion-gazillion-berillion-tetrillion-blehberillion misses):

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

these few days, i've been talking to many old friends.

and i've been reminded of the awesome times i've had in secondary school, and truly, the friends you find in secondary school, are the best friends you're ever gonna find in this world.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

i miss my GBS alot cuz they are the best 2 friends you can find on this earth.

so this has how things are going on in my mind:
  1. my weekends aren't at meaningful as before anymore cuz it's standard. (sat:rugby, sun:church)
  2. weekdays are fucked up with school and assignments.
  3. wondering if rugby is taking up too much of my time or not.
  4. missing alot of things. (GBS, 4e5, BPC, SISTER, other good buddies.)
  5. feeling like a woosie pussy cuz i've been listening to gay-ass soft songs and no more hard shit. and i've been behaving and talking like a girl nowadays. what's happening man.
  6. been obsessed with stoner stuff like the rubik's cube, knitting and my lavalamp.
  7. why no cha bor.
  8. thinking of what hairstyle to cut.

Friday, May 09, 2008

so well, it's been quite eventful these recent days.

went to school as per normal, and crapped around. after school, went to meet good'ol moo from PAE! ahaha! we then made our way to YCK stadium to support izza in her touch tournament! wahaha! we did some catching up and well, i miss that bugger. ahahaha! so well, after izza was done, went to talk to her for awhile, and went to slack with moo. talked talked talked. then we went off. he went home, and i went to meet YK to makan. then talked and talked. and at ard 9, met syaffiq and peh-eh. talked talked talked, and then around 10, YK went off and i stayed on to talk to fiq and peheh. then, as we were talking, a flying cockroach flew and hit me on the left cheek. and if you know me, i hate insects, ESPECIALLY ROACHES. i screamed like mad and syaffiq helped me to take revenge. look:

(super-ultra-immortal-flying-killer cockroach)

so like, since the thing is dead, i just stayed on la. so we talked, talked, talked, and about 10 mins later, i looked at the dead roach, and it was gone. TOTALLY GONE. so i was wondering, 'omg.. where is it? shit...' so i looked for it. and guess what? IT CAME BACK TO LIFE AND WAS UNDER OUR LEGS! we all screamed and jumped, then syaffiq hit it again with his slippers, and it died. now, it's dead right infront of us. and we continued talking. 5mins later, you can guess. IT CAME BACK TO LIFE AGAIN DAMMIT! so syaffiq got mad, he took a plastic bag from near by, placed it on the roach(so as not to dirty his footwear), and stepped on it till it's juices came out.
scary shit. and no, it did not come back to life anymore. but soon after, reinforcements came and we saw another cockroach under our legs. omg. safiee killed it this time, and we couldn't take it anymore and shifted. scary shit. went home at 11pm.
bought a $1 popular 'save the earth' tote bag cuz alvin and LJ said i was environmentally UNfriendly. went home, bathed, changed, ame back to school. skipped SP rugby training to company ZS to touch rug. 2 words: it sucked. i'm so not going back.

i always love fridays. school ends at noon, and i can go home to catch up on sweet sleep. so like, went home with LJ and i always love going home with him, can talk cock with him. then we were walking down the MRT when i bumped into myra from PAE! so we talked till we reached yewtee when i alighted. went home, sleep,

Sunday, May 04, 2008

had a match with centaursRFC today. most of the game was spent fighting between both clubs. when i think back at what i did to them, i'll end up laughing and giggling to myself. seriously, it's super funny. but i think we did really awesome as this is the first match we're playing as Lions, so CHEERS! to a brand new start!

okay, these few days, i haven't been spending time with my my rugger mates, well, and if any of you are reading this, and i'm sure all of you are dying to know why i haven't been hanging out with you guys.

ok, the reason is cuz since my sister is out in aussie studying, and all my family is left with is me, dad and mom. so like, right now, i feel i have a responsibility to keep them company more often, especially during dinner time cuz if i'm not there, it's only gonna be the both of 'em eating quietly. so well, maybe i really have changed (like what all of you are probably thinking), but i know i'm changing to be a more responsible person, and whatever spare time i have, i'd really love to spend it with you guys okayy. i still love you guys alot cuz we risk losing our asses on the field together as team mates.

p.s~ when i say "i love you" to you guys, i really mean it. MY LOVE IS GENUINE OKAYY.

Friday, May 02, 2008

these few days = ULTIMATE RUGBY CRAZE LA! shit, i've never loved rugby this much, and i've never gotten this much! i love rugby i love rugby i love rugby i love rugby i love rugby. and i guess things have changed in Lions. it's getting better and now, i look forward to very training session(:

then today sadiq said i look super sexy when i bite my lips during training.

sexy bo?

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