The Second Blog

Thoughts that linger in the mind of a Singaporean teen.
By Kelvin Choo

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Tagged by Mr Yap Z.S

1)do you have a wide group of friends ?

2)if you're in trouble , will your friends 'fly' to help you ?
I don't think so, but rather, i'll have to 'fly' to look for them. all my friends are lazy.

3)will you sacrifice your most precious thing for your friends?
hmm, i don't think so.

4)do you believe in BFF ?
Yea i do, but only very rare.

5)do you think a straight guy and a woman can just be platonic friends?
urhhh, just friends can la. But close friends, maybe not.

6)do you have a male friend whom you can trust with almost everything?
i guess so. i have a few awesome close friends.

7)do you think friends should tell each other everything?
Hell no...

8)if your friends are in trouble , what will you do?
PIA ZUI! ahah! it really depends. But i'll definitely do something to help.

9)in the future , if your friends get married and ask you to be their best man , will you agree?
urhhh, of course la! why not?!

10)what if your enemy calls you one day to make peace?
That already happened. haha, i gave him a monotonous 'ok', and ignored him from that day on.

11)what will you do to a friend whom you trust deeply, betrayed you?
Be super disappointed in him, and not talk to him for a super long time.

12)if your friend snatches your girlfriend away , will you hate him or her completely?
wa lao, hard to say leh... probably. cuz friends should know their limits.

13)what if there is a girl that has liked your friend for quite some time, tells you that she needs your help to win the heart of your friend, will you help her?
sure. even if i like that girl. i'd still help her out.

14)do your parents think your friends are a bad influence ?
they used to. but now, my parents only know zs, yk and ben. and my parents like them.

15)what will you tell your parents if they asked you to transfer school, which means losing all your closest friends?
SP?! i'd gladly move.

16)if your friend organizes a once in a life time party, but your family doesn’t allow you to go , will you sulk/throw a temper/sneak out/don’t go?
bargain and sulk. but i'll respect their decision. however, since it's a once in a lifetime thing, i might just rebel for that only time:D

17)how will you describe your friendship relationship with your friends?
at the moment it's fine.

18)define friendship.
ermm, friendship is sth special. who the hell came up with these questions man.

19)name 20 people whom you can think of right now .don’t read the questions until you named the 20 people . at the end , choose 5 people to do this.
1. ZS
2. YK
3. BenHeo
4. JieJie
5. SandraLoh
6. LiangJie
7. AlvinLeow
8. Moo
9. HanRong
10. ThaddeusTsang
11. Safiee
12. Russell
13. Dustin
14. Zuliandi
15. ErnestTan
16. MosesHeng
17. Afiqhizami
18. CaptainPlanet
19. KimberlyWong
20. IzzaBabo

where did you meet no. 14?
MI orientation. My first impression of him was mr arrogant ACSI. haha.

what will you do if you never meet no. 1?
I wouldn't be doing this quiz, and my mom's minced meat wouldn't be that well sort-after.

what if no. 9 & no. 20 dated?
wa seh. hmm, hard to say ah. 9 would get scoldings everyday, and 20 would have to learn how to row a dragonboat.

will no. 6 & no. 17 date?
wa lao eh, 17 would date 6 cuz 17 is gay.

describe no. 3.
BEN MA' MAN?! he's the best nigga in the world! chicks luv'em!

describe no. 7.
BangaLEOW. he badly wants to be architect Leow, but we wouldn't let him.

do you know any of no.12’s family?
yea, he has ang moh uncles, and his mom cooks big western meals for him before rugby fitness trainings.

what will you do if no.18 confess to you that she likes you?
Whao. ermm, take out my planeteer ring?

what language does no.15 speak ?
Indonesian language due to all the plaza singapura bbq indonesian stuff he's been stuffing himself with.

how old is no.16?
he's 16 this year, which makes him mr wonder-guitar

when is the last time you spoke to no.13?
saturday during rugby training. he asked if i was going to catch the NZ-Aussie game.

who is no.2 favorite band or singer?
wa. 2 ah? hmmm, MichaelJackson.

would you ever date no. 4?
oh dear. she's my sister excuse me. but i love her alot though.

would you ever date no. 1?
i might just do it cuz like he said, "i've even slept with him"

is no. 19 single?
I have no idea, cuz she's da man-eater in TP.

would you ever be in a relationship with no.11?
whoa, he's my good buddy, our present relationship is priceless.

school of no. 3?
S.C.A.S - Singapore Chick Appreciation School HAH! NgeeAnnPoly ECE la!

where does no. 6 live?
JalanMaluMalu @ Sembawang.

what is your favourite thing about no.5?
The late-night convos we had during sec2.

have you seen no. 2 naked?
HAHA! i wish i have! but i've seen 3 naked before though!!

what is no.8's nickname?
Moo! that's his nickname! his real name is Kenneth!

1. Ultraman
2. Po
3. TinkyWinky
4. LaLa
5. Dip-Shit-Sy

Friday, July 25, 2008

so the only thing that made today significant, was none other than my community involvement project, otherwise known as CIP. It was freakin boring la... so i made my way to the library after class to look for some lady. and i was doing some arrangement of books for the whole 3hrs. super boring. i never understood the importance of CIP. i mean, if you dont do your CIP, 40% of the character development module grade goes down the drain. and that means, most probably you'll fail the module, and you have to retake the module the following semester. which ultimately means you'll have to spend money to retake the friggin module with new younger classmates of the next batch. WHY DO WE HAVE TO DO C.D? damn it. and that's not the end yet. i still have 4 more hours to complete. urgh... i'm staying back in school later(Friday) to complete the remaining hours. Imagine 4 hours(60X4 mins) (60X60X4 secs) worth of arranging heavy books. and people do laugh at you. embarrassing like shit. BUT, i met a cute girl who did CIP too. hehe. but we didn't talk. HAH.

ok, it's pretty late, so i think i'ma sleep now.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Wednesday morning + Rain + Jurong East MRT station = Ultimate Madness

I shall name that particular situation, Wicked-Wednesday.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Today, while i was in the toilet of my parents' room, releasing stools (shitting),
i thought to myself, that the following pictures depict one of the most INGENIOUS inventions
of mankind. Behold, the water closet:


Front and End elevation and dimensions.


So yes, i feel people take such inventions for granted. What will we do without them? How will we release stools if these things weren't invented? We use them without a thought of how much it has hit mankind in its digestive journey. For me, i would like to think of it as: Pure Genius.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Wa lau.... 4GB mp3 player not big enough for my listening pleasure ):

One of the worst decisions made so far in my relatively short life.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Today, i had a hell of an outing with yk. these are the places we went to in order:
  1. West Mall (Bukit Batok)
  2. Kovan "Best Bak Chor Mee" Place
  3. Walked to some Ku Chai Kuei place pretty near SRJC
  4. Walked to some CHIJ primary school place
  5. Took some random bus to some random ulu place in Kovan place
  6. Alighted at some Nike warehouse place
  7. Took bus 53 to Changi Airport
  8. Alighted at terminal3
  9. Took the sky train to terminal2
  10. Played with the trollies at the viewing mall
  11. Took the mrt back to Choa Chu Kang
  12. HOME
So yea, that was pretty much my day from 3pm onwards. Before that was school. Boring old freakin shit-ass school.

Btw, the urinals in Terminal3 are the coolest urinals in the whole damn world man. Take a look for yourself:

SEE!!!! too small? See the next picture!

HAHA! This was the most fun i've ever had peeing!

Saturday, July 05, 2008

So today has been great and shit, both at the same time. really depends on how you look at it. but I'm really thankful for being able to see my BPC again, knowing that they're doing real fine. played touch rug, supported Lions, roamed Vivo, skipped training, went for church music practice for youth Sunday, and then parents fetched me, then sis, and we headed home.

i don't know how to face anyone and look him/her in the eyes, and tell him/her how i feel. Be it negative or positive.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Some friends are really hard to come by in life.

(super embarrassing drunk pictures of us)

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