The Second Blog

Thoughts that linger in the mind of a Singaporean teen.
By Kelvin Choo

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Meet my very considerate stoner classmate who shares the same surname as me, Choo Liang Jie

i guess some things are really too good to be true.

Friday, November 21, 2008

ya'know last night, i was suffering from slight insomnia, and was listening to 93.8LIVE on the radio. It was broadcasting my favourite talkshow 'Body and Soul', and it inspired me to visit their website to learn more about the DJ which made the show such an awesome show to listen to. The DJ for Body and Soul is Daniel Martin, and he is by far the best DJ i've ever heard on local radio.

Didn't think he'd look like that though, but oh well.

So ok, lemme summarise the week in a few words. Basically every school day is standard for me:
  1. Wake up 90minutes before classes begin
  2. Brush teeth, bathe, breakfast within an hour
  3. Meet Liang Jie half an hour prior to classes at YewTee
  4. Talk cock on the train till it reaches Dover
  5. 15minute walk to class
  6. 15minutes late - everyday
  7. Study
  8. *Have lunch with dear Alvin and LiangJie at Foodcourt1 (Only foodcourt1)
  9. *Go to the library to look for CDs and DVDs
  10. *Walk back to class
  11. *Study
  12. Dismissal
  13. Walk to Dover MRT station with Alvin and LiangJie
  14. Send Alvin off to the bus stop
  15. Take train home with Liang Jie
  16. Do sth embarrassing when the train reaches Yew Tee
  17. Watch Liang Jie bear with the embarrassment as i leave the train while he continues to Sembawang
  18. Walk home
Yup standard EVERYDAY. Asterisks means it does not apply to tuesdays and wednesdays cuz classes end at 12noon! whee!

uhh, ya ok, the end. heh

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I really don't know about any of you guys, but i'm personally receiving smses that go like this:

'Sorry to disturb your time. My name KHIM. It frist time in Singapore. That i come heare towork as massue. I 20 yearold tall 175 cm. and 58 kg. You can fine my photo at . Thank you ..>>KHIM'

Yea. wtf right?

Saturday, November 15, 2008

ok, basically, i'm blogging cuz i wanna have a reason to not do my communication skills presentation slides..

So yea, it's been super stone these few days as usual. i have been going home straight away after school almost everyday, except for the day i went to town alone, and the 2 days i went to lot1 alone to get some stuff. Call me a loser, i don't care.. So as some of you might be wondering, school's been okay so far. Been coping well with classmates, as well as studies. I mean, check this out man ->Yea man. That's my everyday school bag..not. ahahaha. Photo and company courtesy of Li Ting.

There's church tomorrow, and these few days i've been thinking of whether i still go to church for the right reasons or not. I guess i have to do some thinking on my own..

And btw, i totally wasted my Saturday away.

So i suppose it's still not the right time . It'll never be the right time..

Monday, November 10, 2008

This post is dedicated to my dearest sister regarding her latest LJ post.

Almost like twins, if not, just a 'different shade of green'


Sunday, November 09, 2008

Once in awhile, you get bored and tired of what you do best, cuz you've already done what it takes to get to the top. So you decide to take a long break, and after the hiatus, you feel the sudden urge to get back to doing what you do. You get yourself into the mood, and get yourself pumped up, and when you finally get to do it again, you find out that you suck. and you can't do anything right anymore. You feel discouraged and at the same time, people question about your performance. You start to get frustrated, and make rash decisions.. Ever felt like that before?

Saturday, November 08, 2008

I have 2 species of unofficial pets: spiders in my room, and lizards in the kitchen.

so i talked to bravo ben alot just now over dinner, and like always, he manages to make me ponder about certain things.

and honestly, i have nothing else to blog about already. soo..... maybe i'll update again when i have to mood to.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

so i'm spending everyday in a stupid way. but guess what? i've finally got things to look forward to hehehehe.

  • Steamboat dinner with ben heo at my place tmr!
  • Jiejie's return home!!! Arghh!
  • Sleepover at ben moh's place with a few of the 1991 guys! (TBC though-.-)
  • and most of all..........CHRISTMAS!!!!

damnn, how much i miss anticipating events and outings with family and friends. now everything is school and stone. Oh, and as soon as i get a new bass (whenever) i'll start living on a 'heck-care' spending spree. But then again, i've sorta gotten too used to the 'cheap-skate-then-spend-all-at-one-go' spending habit...

Monday, November 03, 2008

so i have not blogged in a week. The reason being, i am either too sleepy to blog, or i keep forgetting about blogging. Alot has happened throughout the week, and i'll list down a few worth blogging about.

Wednesday i went for lunch with my dear Russell Pang/Lee/Peters/Hounddog/VanWilder/Etc. had botak jones and we did alot of talking about almost anything and everything under the sun.

Friday i did alot of thinking on my own.

Sunday was quite fun. Went to church early in the morn to do a short rehearsal for the HYS camp ad. Then companied ben moh and melissa heng to macs for breakfast. got back, attended second service. Sermon was about money and how we spend it. Did the camp ad during the announcements and i guess it went out fine. Kudos to Melissa Heng for the choreography and props. after that, went for lunch at limbang with Edward and Jethro. Talked about Edward's A'levels. Poor fella. We'll all be praying for you! went for YKG, and home to change up for tennis at jethro's! So i suck at it, just like any other beginner, but oh well. went home, went for dinner with parents, got back, slept.

Monday(today) sucked like any other school day. took another evening nap by accident, and i guess the whole entire noctunal phase will start all over again. Hello solitary nightlife. Goodbye 2weeks of perfectly healthy sleeping.

sometimes i look back at my o'level performance, and i think to myself how much God has done for me, and i feel really guilty cuz i dont repay Him anything close to what He has given me.

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