The Second Blog

Thoughts that linger in the mind of a Singaporean teen.
By Kelvin Choo

Monday, March 30, 2009

Sunday, March 29, 2009

It was Earth Hour a few hours back, and yea, my family did do their part in turning off the lights- at least for half an hour before they realised the neighbours aren't participating. The lights in my room were turned off for the whole hour, so hooray, i'm earth friendly. The air-con was turned on though.

I've been sleeping in my parent's room these past few days cuz the tv is in my parent's room, which means i've been staying up watching channel5 and other free channels (why dont i have cable tv) on earphones while they're asleep.

Life's kinda mundane nowadays cuz i hardly leave home. Furthermore, i've observed my reduction in the interest to use the comp(which is good). So what do i do in my free time?


Monday, March 23, 2009

N.E.R.D's coming to Singapore!!! but i'm not going to catch them cuz i'm not a big fan.

Some day, we're just gonna run out of that stamina, and we'll be sick and tired of trying cuz we know it'll never work.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Ok, bored of the stupid fishing game already

Monday, March 16, 2009

Y'know i've been really addicted to this one certain fishing game this past week. It's called "Deadliest Catch: Alaskan Storm". Friggin awesome game. It's based on the Discover Channel hit series "The Deadliest Catch"(Yes, that crab catching show) And i know some of you must be thinking: "Wow, sounds like an awesome game! I wonder how it's like. Hmmmm."

Well, i'm here to clear your mind on how wonderful the game is, and what better way to do that, than to show it to you, with pictures! Here goes.

This is how the game looks like most of the time. Yup, that's my Pimped purple boat.

Side View: The name of the boat is "S.S. PlayMansion"

Back View with a crew member injured!! Buster!!! Nooo!!!!! (look at how sad he is on the top left hand corner of the screen)

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Note to self: Always keep a spare setting of your favourite effect on your fx pedal.

So anyway, i went to Ikea @ Alexandra yesterday to get some super cool pepper corn grinder thing to aid my weird escapades in the kitchen (i.e. Cooking). After getting it at a steal price, i went on to AnchorPoint to do some exploring, and guess what, i met my sec1 & 2 classmate Tan Hui Juan! Wa lau, been ages since i last saw her and it's really great to see a friendly face in that weird stranger place. After walking aimlessly around that boring-ass shopping centre for awhile more, i noticed my yawning frequency isn't gonna increase anymore, so i decided to head on home. Took the bus to some MRT station, and then the good old mrt home. Halfway home, i stopped by the body shop to get some lip balm and soap for mom, and then i can't stop thinking of the damn pretty counter person who asked me to be a body shop member. OK, then i took 302 home, and slept straight away till 6am, which means a good 9hours of rest.

Darn, havn't blogged in this manner in ages. This is what i call an "i dont know what to blog about but i just wanna blog cuz i have nothing else better to do" blog post.

Tschüss for now, my friends.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I know i've made it a point not to talk bad about people behind their backs on my blog, but this time, i really can't help it.

  • are irritating
  • are hypocritical
  • are sickening
  • think you fit in really well
  • think people really like you
  • do stupid things that make you look like a fool to make people like you
  • make others look like fools to make yourself funny
  • like to abandon your friends for new ones
  • always crawl back to your old friends when your new ones dump you
  • never change
URGHHHHH... buey tahan

Tuesday, March 03, 2009


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