The Second Blog

Thoughts that linger in the mind of a Singaporean teen.
By Kelvin Choo

Sunday, August 09, 2009

2 topics i would like to address in this blog post


I personally feel people nowadays take the term "friendship" too casually. Phrases such as "You're really my best friend man" and "you're a real bro man" are being used too commonly. I admit i've made my fair share of mistakes, but at least i'm aware of it and i try to reduce the habit, some out there don't really think about it before saying it. Some, know it and use it as a means of getting what they want. How disgusting. The word 'best friend' should only be used for the minority few you meet in life that stand out.


Commonly heard is "Singapore gah-men damn money hungry". But do these people think twice before they say such things? It's really obvious schemes such as ERP and GST has its own purpose. ERP increases, Road tax decreases. C'mon, the gah-men has their means of getting cash, and why would they wanna make their people angry? People should start embracing and appreciating their government and country. I won't disagree that the government made very bad mistakes before, but bear in mind there's no perfect government out there. We should be thankful we didn't get Chee Soon Juan and Chiam See Tong. And whenever i think of how Singapore started out as a third world country to become one of the most, if not most successful nation in S.E.A, i always feel proud and patriotic about it.

The following is a blogpost copied from

"One significant factor that contributes to your happiness is loving your country. If you dislike your country, think of migrating and see only faults in this and that everyday, how can you really be happy. Hopefully you can go to the country you want and it welcomes you and treats you well.

Loving your country doesn’t mean you like everything and have no complaints. No, you may still complain and find faults in many things. However, you also see the positive side of things you don’t like. You know that in certain things there is no permanent ideal solution.

You still feel the stress in your life and in your job. But you are also grateful for the things that you have and you appreciate the love and help your family members and friends give you.

You may like to have gambling and prostitution banned altogether, but you know it cannot be done and you live with it. You understand that it is not possible for you to like every policy.

The grass looks greener on the other side. But when you go to the other side, you realize that it is the grass in Singapore that is greener. Your home is Singapore.

And with that, i wish all of you out there a very happy National Day.

oh, and happy birthday to Yap Zhi Shen who today turns 18, while Singapore turns 44.

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