The Second Blog

Thoughts that linger in the mind of a Singaporean teen.
By Kelvin Choo

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I met up with Afiq and Andrew recently for dinner and partially to celebrate Andrew's birthday. haha. In case you don't know, both of them were my secondary school rugby mates. And when rugby boys get together for some catching up, we talk about 2 things: Rugby and sth else, lol. okay anyway, we sorta got really engrossed in reminiscing about our secondary school rugby life and how close-knit our team was and the potential we had to excel. Those were certainly the days.

Look at us now: 2 of us dont play rugby anymore, and one's in the army. Most of the other teammates probably forgot how to play rugby already.

After talking about everything rugby, we three were itching to play some of it.. but looking at it from a more realistic point of view, there's no way we are going to play together as a team again. Sadly, we took advantage of the team time we had before, and now, we're obviously regretting it. How typical of humans.

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