The Second Blog

Thoughts that linger in the mind of a Singaporean teen.
By Kelvin Choo

Thursday, March 16, 2006


i splitted my pants on monday after the seminar thingy.

tue, i had some d&t shit, and ms lim sick choo called my parents. stupid 40 year old virgin.. after that, i went to queensway with safiee to get his boots. he got the adidas F30. aftrer that, i went home.

today, i stayed at home, planning to do my homework, when my parents decided to go to kuantan. ahha. after they left, i set up the ps2, and played till 4pm. then i came online, and agreed to go night cyclin with jasper, tsu haw and safiee. went to LIM CHU KANG. ahah!! actually not really. we reached the farms there, and we couldn't find the cemetry. we cycled and cycled, and jas happened to see something, and safiee happened to hear some stuff. freaky man. tsu haw and i didn't see or hear anything. after that, we gave up, and headed to some place to sit down and relax. after relaxing, we went to choa chu kang macs to drink coke, and left. hahah!!! reached home at about 12.30. ahaha. TMR GOT FITNESS SUMMORE, AND I'M FREAKIN SHAGGED ALREADY!!!

Sunday, March 12, 2006


alwheee, today, i went to church, and during church, taufiq called me, he asked me to go jamming, and i thought to myself, "FINALLY." anyway, i agreed, and straight after church, i went home, got changed, got bassie along, and left home. met roy, taufiq and safiee at 12.30 at bb, and we took the long train ride to outram. you really wouldn't wanna know what we did on the train. as i was saying, we jammed a few songs, but only one song was perfect. weeeee.

after jamming, it was about 2.30 already, taufiq went home, and roy, safiee and i went on to further embarass ourselves.

we went to bukit panjang to makan ljs, and we played with chilli sauce. made some potion. and started throwing utensils at each other. laughed at ah bengs also. as we were on our way out, we freakin saw this woman, who looked exactly like a ghost man.. her face was really really white, and her eyes were wide opened, as if her eye lids were cut off. damn damn scary to the core. we sat down and relaxed on a bench. and behind the bench was a birthday present that would soon be thrown away after 5 hours. thanks zs.

after all that shit, roy, safiee and i went to take the LRT back to cck. we agreed to take one big round! ahah! we did just that, and just as the one round was about to end, we decided to take another round. ahah!!! total of about 40mins. we reached choa chu kang, and we went our seperate ways.

.tsaerb yllib si yor dna ,selppin legin m'i ,etabrutsam rm si eeifas

bye rugby.

fuck...... fuck it man...

today was meet the parents day, and unfortunately, the other guy living in my house came along. and he fuckin embarrased me in my own fuckin class... chee bye, he told me to drop school, kanina, you think what? tuition ah? fuck you lah nabeh cheebye.. he went home with my mom, and i stayed in school, to meet up with safiee. after, that, we met alip, and we toured bukit batok. well, not really. we just walked around west mall and central area. i just didn't want to see his face. his cheebye face.

walk until about 6, then went home as it was about to rain. he wasn't home, so i watched tv. when he came back, i went to pretend to do some hw. he then started his nagging, and you know what he said that fuckin pissed me off, "no more rugby." chee bye, i'll fuck your ass, no more rugby.. kanina, rugby is my only source of entertainment, along with music, and he fuckin wants to ruin it all.. he still can say what if i touch the comp, he'll slap me. come ah. come slap me, and i'll fuckin beat you up..

i managed to bargain with my mom, and i'm afraid the bbss match will be my last. i'm gonna play my best man. and after that, i's bye to rugby, sorry guys..

Friday, March 10, 2006

handphone batt!

wahhh!! today, was freakin scary for me man, well, not really, but after school, when i looked at my trusty n-gage phone, it was outta batteries man! argh!! i depend on my phone a hell lot man, and it so hapens that i was meeting a few friends after school at yew tee, and i didn't have my phone to ask them if it was still on or not. ahaha! i just left school. and guess who i saw outside school? yusri! ahaha!! thank goodness man! i asked his what phone he was using, it was some model, but i remembered hearing that it uses the same battery as n-gage, and so i asked him if i could borrow his batt for awhile. whoo! i sent a few messages, and i thanked him alot. haha! met up with thomas, xun and jackson to talk bout some stuff, and yeah! everything was done at about 5pm, and i made my way home.

turned on the computer.

chatted for awhile.


woke up.


started on spontaneous writing marathon!! whooo!!

the jug of coffee is already ready and waiting for me on my table, and i can take on any form of boredom! wahahahah!!!! ok. bye.

Thursday, March 09, 2006


FUCK!!! CHELSEA'S OUT MAN... damn it lah.. i was really hoping they get through lah, then in the end, this had to happen.. dammit. anyway, today had training, and i was laughing all the way. you wanna know why??




ok, because of the way andrew does his crunches. ahah!!! like giving birth like that. ahah!!!

Sunday, March 05, 2006

whooooo! i'm back!

GUYS!!! ok, i know nobody's gonna read this, but i you have actually read this, tag my board! i need to bring civilisation back to my freakin blog!

it's been like 2months since i last updated, and it sure feels great to start all over! life has been shit for me over the past 2 months, and fuck, i hate it.. been savin up for my P-bass, and the money is increasing! whoooo! fucked up yang(mr yang)(china fuck-tart) called my parents a few days ago, and i fuckin plan to give him a bloody whooping on mon. haha. no lah, i just plan to give the fuck-face whenever i see him. man, i hate china nationals.. hey guys, i'm gonna stop here for the mean time. wanna commit suicide. ahaha, no lah, i'll do that later on just before 2006 ends. fuck, i really hate my life..

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