The Second Blog

Thoughts that linger in the mind of a Singaporean teen.
By Kelvin Choo

Thursday, January 31, 2008

mr bombastic.

hmmmm, lets see what happened over the last 2 days.

i didn't sleep on monday night cuz i hung out and talked cock with my sis. damn funny la. then when it was 6.30am, i started getting ready for school. i finished getting ready, and it was still early, so i decided to play Tony Hawk's American Wasteland. left home at 7.15am as usual for school. when i reached school, i was surprisingly hyper and energetic la. ahah. then we decided to play this game where the person who can shut his or her mouth the longest wins. the first one to talk was Kim. ahaha! damn lousy la! then slowly one by one they got eliminated, and the last one standing was.............. YOURS TRULY! wahahaha! then they further challenged me to shut my mouth till reading period ended. it was damn tough la, they kept asking me questions, and trust me, it is damn tough not talking. but nevertheless, i still did it! wahaha! ok, i'm super corny. anyway, as the hours passed, i started to get damn tired. slept in geog and Mr Tan's fantastic hypnotising skills(otherwise known as "lessons") didn't help at all. then, there was economics when everyone started talking and Ms Hoe surprisingly allowed us to talk. she even joined in some of our convos. we talked bout lotsa stuff like who Brad Pitt's brother was and how he was related to Ms Hoe. we also talked about 1990's greatest techno hits la. had lotsa laughs. after school, zul, moo, izza, hajar and i decided to go to marina square to have lunch. then while we were on the way there on the train, we saw sth la! damn dramatic! it's soo dramatic till i have to start the whole story on a new paragraph!

ok. when we boarded the train at jurong east heading to city hall, it got a little crowded in the train lar, so we decided to move to the intersection of 2 cabins(the bendy part of the train) then when we reached there, sth caught our eyes. it was a black bag, and beside it was a plastic bag with sth like a rice cooker inside. damn scary la! and the worst thing, is that no one seemed to own it lar! then we kept questioning each oother like, "eh, what's inside ah?", "whose is it ah?" or "is it a bomb?!" then while we were asking those questions, izza got damn scared, then she started to stray away from the suspicious items la! ahah! then we decided to alight at clementi, and we went to report it la! the station staff got pretty serious about it. then i answered all their qns, and they thanked me for reporting it and that they've sent a few station staff to check it out. ahaha! quite cool la, but in the end nothing happened -.- no bomb whatsoever. and to think i would be a hero or sth. imagine the 5 of us appearing in the news. that would be damn funny. ok, so we continued our journey to marina square on the next train, and this time with kim. we explained everything and laughed like hell. almost the whole cabin was looking at us cuz we kept on saying "bomb". ahaha! we alighted at city hall while kim went on home or sth. we all had nasi ayam penyet and we talked and talked. after that, we went off at around 5pm. zul went to meet someone, and i went on home with Moo. talked along the way and he dropped off at Yishun and then, i was alone. went home, slept, and woke up at 9pm. (to be continued in the next paragraph)

decided to watch movies with my sister at 2am. we watched pulp fiction and hell, it was damn cool. ahaha! but wasted arh, no real plot to the movie. the film ended at ard 4+am and i went straight to bed after that. decided to skip school on wed. went out with YK instead. we explored s'pore! today, we went to yishun and the little india area. walked alot and explored alot. damn fun la. went to yishun, and slacked there for awhile. then took a bus to little Sarangoon. went to Thieves' Market and they sell lotsa cool shit there man. walked and walked until we reached sim lim square. after that, we walked to Short Street to have tau huey. after that, ard 9.30 or sth, we decided to head on home. took 67 home. damn long day for me la. damn fun.

anyway, i sometimes wonder to myself why some guys get girlfriends. like, is it for lust or is it really for what they claim it to be? love? i dont think love comes that easily man. really. and some actually get girlfriends for experiance? i mean, what sort of an excuse is that. experiance. wahahaha. to be honest, such reasons do exist, and at the teenage years, people start feeling the rush to find a relationship and guys will always manage to sweet-talk the ladies into believing that they actually love her. and the next thing you know, someone starts crying over a break-up.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

wood? ahhaha, yeap. wood.

whao.. never knew the type of wood would affect the sound of it. i mean, it's just so amazing how much difference it makes. and i have to admit, i really thank God for preventing me from buying the Fender J-bass or the Epi Thunderbird IV man. both have Rosewood fretboards, just like Bassie. sorry Bassie, but it's just that, when i first tried a maple fretboard on Fairoz's Marcus Miller signature, it called out to me. it sounded so rich and bright. unlike your mellow and creamy sound. i hate to tell it to you, but that ain't my type of sound. i mean, the bright 'twangy' slap of each note. Breathless. i'm not saying that your sound isn't nice, but it just doesn't suit me ya'know? i feel like a two-timer now. i'm really sorry Bassie:( keep in mind that you'll always be my baby. my first love. you brought me up from the dumpsters to my first performance infront of a live audience. and you did me proud. i'll never sell you away. i'll show you to my children, and they'll know how you changed my life. how you taught me to slap, to do scales, everything.

But anyway, i'm gonna work, and save up to get me-self a fender with a maple fingerboard, and i'm gonna love it. i'm gonna serve God with it, and i'm gonna make him proud. i just can't wait:D:D:D

i still can't sleep! and there's school later! argh!!

Monday, January 28, 2008

ahhh, yes. peace?

hmmm, these few days have been quite stress free. ahah! no school = no social stress = no study stress(got school also no study stress.heh) got back o's results, nothing to be proud of, but why am i complaining? i didn't fail. plus, i got B3s in both POA and math man. that's like, seeing a blue cow la, and i'm thankful:) well, let me describe the past few days in words.

got back our results on thursday and i shall not reveal it here cuz like i said, it's nothing to be proud of. went for lunch with yk to talk bout stuff. then, later i went home to shit.really. rested and talked about my results and then went out with my family for dinner. came back and slept.

the next day, which is friday, i decided to hang out with ma nigguh sista. went to some place she brought me to have ice cream and talk cock. talked and talked then we decided to go on random bus rides! ahaha, took bus 196 from adam road to wherever it brought us. apparantly, it brought us to clementi, so we decided to stop slightly earlier at big bookshop cuz sister wanted to buy stationary for austrailia -.- ahahah! but it was fun la, saw lotsa funny stuff there. i bought myself some old skool bic pens(click here for image) and i also bought this very cute pencil case! it's a barbie doll pencil case! wahahah! omg, damn cute. after that, we were too darn tired to go out anymore, so we headed home. reached home and slept. woke up to confirm my 12 choices to further education with my family.

on saturday, woke up to stone and watch tv, went online talked for awhile, and soon after at ard 3.30pm, left home for touch rugbehh! met dustin, afiq and 2 others and took a bus down to west coast park. it was damn damn fun. havent had that much fun playing touch in a very long time. i bet it's because of the good field compared to farrer park. i think now you know how much i hate the farrer park field.muddy piece of crap. after that, went to meet prakash and gang for boon yao(giant baby)'s birthday party! whooo! wahahha! afiq tagged along. and at first, ate dinner there, with a few green cans.heh. then talk cock with friends there.then at ard 9.30, the real fun began! wahahha! bought a johnnie walker black label, and woo! within half an hour, all were partying! wahaha. ok i shall not elaborate. met syaffiq safiee afiq and hazri and we slacked at the void deck for awhile, well, i was stoning and laughing for no apparant reasons. after that, they fetched me to the mrt station, and went home to sleep.

today was BORING. church, lunch, sleep, computer. that's all.

hmmmm, i'm really gonna miss my sister when she leaves for aussie man... :( i mean, who's gonna be there to talk to me when i'm at home? who's gonna be there to take damn funny, unglam and corny photos with me? who's gonna company me awake when i can't sleep? who's gonna bring me out clothe shopping? who's gonna talk to me about movies? who's gonna be my bestfriend/sibling?? omg..

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

botak jones

ahahah! yesterday after school, went home straight to bathe and change and stuff, and left home shortly after that to meet up with yong jie, chun how, cheong jie, kheeteng and chris to have dinner. we had a hard time deciding where to makan, then in the end went to clementi to have botak jones! ahhaa! omg, damn funny. chun how was pretty quiet throughout. probably cuz he was tired or sth. but the rest including me were just pure happy to see each other. ahaha! when we reached, we ordered and when the food came, damn it, the serving was HUGE. ahah! took like, damn long to finish our food. makan already then walked around for awhile. original plan was to slack at west coast park, but there were a few who didn't wanna go, so we decided to slack at bukit batok. slack there till bout 9pm or so, and we went homme.

Monday, January 21, 2008


hmmm, went out with my OG on sat to marina square for the WHOLE ENTIRE DAY.ahah! here's how i went out :

at first quite awkward during bowling, like, all we said was, "uhh, your turn". until i started on my life stories. ahaha! after bowling, luke had to go off, so like, left me la, only guy- and 6 other ladies. but luckily they were quite fun to talk to la, like, everyone contributed to conversations and stuff. credits to sandra loh, penny tok and evelyn choo for teaching me how to speak to ladies. ahaha!! omg, i'm so corny. ok after luke left, we went for lunch and we talked about practically anything lar. talked about each other's schools, talked about results, and even fruit juices. then, by then it was already about 4o'clock, and i was psychoed to not go for touch rug, so we decided to walk around since we had nothing else better to do. we walked to the cinema, and we agreed to catch a movie. everyone wanted to watch 27dresses. so like, i said "anything lor". haha! ok, the movie starts at 7pm and we still had 2+hours of spare time, so we walked to the esplanade library and you wouldn't believe what we talked about there. damn embarrassing la! but it was funny la. damn funny. so by the time we left the library, it was around just in time for the movie. we watched the movie, and i personally thought it was kinda boring la. i mean, the guy so old! and the younger sister is very ugly. omg. but we had a few laughes over the movie la. by then it was ard 9 sth. we went to have supper at some makansutra(wth is up with the name) place near the esplanade- again, for satay. then grace offered to treat us cuz like, she feels that being the OGL, she has a responsibility to fulfil. aahha, talked about more stuff and by 10 plus, we decided to leave cuz some had to reach home early. we went our seperate ways and headed homeeeeeeee. reached home at ard 11.30 and went online for awhile. off i went to bed at 12.30am cuz i had to attend church early the following morning. damn long day.

today was also damn fun. but practically spend it in church. ok. firstly, went for breakfast with mingsheng, jethro, shawn, zach and me. got back to church just in time for SEWS. after service, talked to fred bout some stuff and had lunch with ben moh and other classmates. talked cock and stuff and after that, we went for YKG. shall not elaborate on that. after YKG, the guys changed up to their running gear, and we played touch rug! wahaha! damn funny la! but it what a dismay that it had to rain after about an hour into playing. but it was all worth it, damn fun. we ran back to church under the rain and bathed and changed back to our good smelling clothes. went to lot one to have linner(lunch/dinner as defined by han rong) talk bout stuff till bout 6 and then edward had to go off cuz he lived in freakin changi man. poor bugger. ahaha! so after that, i waited for bus 190 with hanrong and shawn till it came. sent them off and left for home on my bus. damn fun weekend i had. ahah!

Saturday, January 19, 2008


omg... i'm such a bitch. and i guess now, i'm getting what you might wanna call retribution. but guys like zul and moo are there to face it with me. thanks a hell lot guys:) and i also wanna thank some others in 08A3 for cheering me up as well. emmanuel, fariz, jannah and a few more i may not have mentioned:)

i started the day off without any sleep, so shit got kinda nasty in class. sorry if i scared or worried any of you ): went home alone after school to find myself heading straight to my bed for a good long rest. slept from 2pm all thru' to 7pm. woke up, dinner, and i left home for carpark soccer with the guys. jasper couldn't fetch me there in his bike): ahaha! played soccer and caught up with them on happenings. talked bout school with yus and i heard he has been eyeing my classmates! HAHA! omg, damn funny. and he said i was totally different in school compared to when with the carpark soccer guys. he said i was a loner in school! D: left at 11.30pm to catch the last train home.

i kinda thought about what yus said about me being a loner in school on the train home, and it came to me that i only talked to the friendly people in class cuz i was part of the class, and the class was all they had during lesson time. after school, one-by-one, classmates slowly left with other friends, and i was left alone. this happens almost everyday man. and like, i came to think of what i used to do in sec school.
  1. sat with the class in the morning
  2. sang the national anthem LOUDLY with chun how, chris, nazirul and gang. damn fun.
  3. spent "reading period" with them talking about botak jones or making fun of DOTA or laugh about chun how's gangster stories. aahaha!
  4. lessons all thru to dismissals, having lotsa laughs and fun inbetween.
  5. walked down together
  6. going to 5077(code) to do our stuff :D:D:D:D:D
  7. sometimes go to westmall to look at chicks.
now that's what i call class spirit man. 08A3 may be great and fastastic during breaks and lessons, but after school, we dont even bother to say bye cuz we're too occupied with other friends and stuff. quite sad actually. but i dont blame anyone for it cuz we're like a new class and we just got to know each other for barely 2 weeks. i hope we'll keep in touch for future outings and stuff. but what are the odds?

Friday, January 18, 2008

whos your daddy?

ahhh, still not asleep. still going strong. uhh, ok, not really. homework not done!

sleeping's a thing of the past.

lotsa backstabbing and bitching going on huh? i can sense it lingering in the tense air. i must stop my literature shit. cracks are opening up and some are too used to getting away with murder. it's time shit's gotta stop.

today was awesome. went out with YK after like, a month or so since christmas! met him at ard 4pm on the bus and left for GEYLANG! we went there to eat and after eating, we saw a police crackdown on contraband cigarettes. COOL. there were whores everywhere. scary shit. one nearly grabbed me la. after that, we went to the tampines area to do some exploring! went to tampines mall and it was kinda different from the west. did lotsa catching up with yk along the way, and after tampines mall, we took the bus67 alllllll the waaaaaaaay down to cck to chat at the kopitiam. at around 11.30pm, we waited for yk's bus home, and my dear classmate eri turned up. damn i miss her and the rest of the 4e5 muthafuckers a hell lot. sent YK off bus 985, and took the bus 302 home with eri. did lotsa catching up with her as well. talked about the class and voices cracked at the brink of tears. man, did we talk bout good memories. went home about 12.30am. have not done my overdued GP hw, and i guess sleeping is a thing of the past for tonight.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


personally, i feel that as the days to the o's results approaches nearer and nearer, it tends to tire out everyone. making students worry non-stop, causing them to sleep uncomfortably at night. and worry again the next day, only to find out that it's another day closer to the day itself. often times, i think to myself how good/bad i would perform, and well, i have very amazing thoughts. i just have mixed feelings about it man. predictions can range from as good as 16 for my L1R5, or bad till i get 30 for L1R5. so, i'm really worried. questions like, "what if i fail?" or "what am i gonna do next?" keep popping up in my mind, and like, it's damn tiring and worrying.

and now, all i can do is pray and wait.

Monday, January 14, 2008


well, sat was kinda fun when i went for touch. ahah. met the old guys again and we had a hell of a good time except for the bloody lousy field. muddy as can be: farrer park field. gosh, cleaning up was a bitch. after that, went to cityhall mrt with afiq. he went to meet his friends, and i went home. when i reached home, i bathed, went online, and slept at 2am.

today, simple.
  1. went to church
  2. stayed in church for YKG
  3. stayed in church further for melissa's valentine's day video
  4. came home at ard 5pm
  5. slept
  6. dinner
  7. tv
  8. computer.
not bad la. at least i did something meaningful today.

ok, if you know me well enough, you'd notice that my taste of music has changed quite drastically over the holidays. last time, i loved loud music. really loud music. now, my MP3 player library consists of..
  • my usual loud music
  • simon and garfunkel
  • beyonce(wtf)
  • the beatles
yea. 4 GB of that good stuff.

Saturday, January 12, 2008


hmmmm, well, met my new class already. 08A3. at first it was kinda awkward, like, you wont know whether you'll say the wrong things and offend another classmate or not. so like, we didn't really communicate for the first 2 days. later on the 3rd day, things got slightly better with the class. ahah! we sat together during breaks and well, we talked and laughed together. but still, most were forced laughter. on the forth day, we started to enjoy each other's company. like, anyone coould talk to anyone, well, with exceptions(american). ahahha. on the 5th day(friday, also known as today), nothing much happened as like, we only had 4 periods of lessons. damn slack. we did some poem thing in literature lesson and it was quite fun lar. my group got a super boring and monotonous poem about money-.- after that, i companied a few classmates to rugby training and to also check it out first hand, and shit, it's damn tough and physically demanding la. worse than knights training. i stayed till about 4pm before leaving for home. and now, i'm home. super stone now. there finally touch rugby tmr at farrer park. gosh, after like, half a bloody year of hiatus. well, it's reunion time!

anyway, i went back to hillgrove on wednesday to help out with rugby training, and well, i realised that i now suck at rugby, and it really got to my head cuz rugby has been my love ever since i first touched the ball man. for 4 years, i've put rugby as one of my top priorities. then came the prelims and the O's which forced me to stop rugby. and now, i'm trying to play rugby again, and it just wouldn't happen well. : /

Wednesday, January 09, 2008


you know what? i realised today, that you are who you mix with. and for myself, it happens for that single moment itself only.

hmmm, been awhile huh? yeap, been quite awhile : / Roy knows and understands.

oh, and btw, this is the vid of the spineroonie of death. you'll laugh your undies off.

Monday, January 07, 2008


hmmmmm, PAE at MI has started, and well, there were pros and cons -

1st day was kinda quiet. introduction here and there. all the "hey, i'm kelvin..." or "hey, what's your name?" or "what school were you from?" or "nice to meet you!" came out in a fake welcoming accent that made me feel as if it was gonna be crappy, and as you would expect, their replies weren't as friendly as how i greeted them. it would be sth like, "uuuh, yea.. st.pats." or "uuuh, yea, nice to meet you too.." that was when i thought to myself, "here we go again." but lunchtime came, and i took the opportunity to talk to this other quiet guy. he was kinda friendly and we talked throughout the day, ahahaha, nice guy. his name is shawn. so basically, the first day was kinda awkward. my OG was dead anyway. but i did meet a few familiar faces(eg. yiwen, bruno, chin hwe-sorry i cant spell your name)

2nd day lasted till 9pm. loooooong day huh? so that means alot of things happened. saw shawn brought his friend along(fuckin gatecrasher luke. hahaha!). we introduced ourselves and we became friends and shit, he had a dirty mind! we talked and laughed. well, i made a few enemies too and they were kinda unpleasant, but i wouldn't want my old self to come out again right? so i just took shit in and left it there. it was better than getting in trouble socially and with the school. i just took a step back, and ignored. well, ed told me once that i didn't have the ability to ignore other people's comments and that was what made me paranoid. i tried ignoring and i got damn pissed but it wasn't worth getting kicked out of school huh? after it all settled down, i cracked some jokes with fellow friendly groupmates. laughed around and then it was mystery game time. ahaha. quite fun la, almost got my balls busted, but it was accidental from the crew. ahaha, fun stuff. after that, clock struck 9pm, and dad fetched me home.

3rd day was the last day of orientation and it was a short day cuz it ended at 1pm. when i first reached there, i was as stone as a stone. damn tired and sleepy. so i didn't talk to anyone, not even shawn or luke. so i just sat and listened to talks on business diploma available there or sth. after the talk, there was clan period, and we were suppose to decorate the mascots like the flintstone characters cuz our group name is flintstone, so it's only right to dress our mascots up like them. there was bam bam and fahter flintstone(whatever his name is). damn funny. decorated the car, made him his club, and gave him new clothes. bam bam was played by luke and father flintstone was played by shawn. haha. talked to some new people too. one of 'em was irwin. nice guy for a person who looks kinda rowdy(ahah, no offence dude.) he was surprisingly friendly. so there was the grand finale thing with lotsa clan cheers. my group was the shittiest. but after it all, it got a lil emotional. didn't dare talk to some people:( exchanged contact details with friends, and left. well, after it all, i thought back and i kinda enjoyed it. met new people, both good and bad, and it kinda opened my eyes wider to the world. ahaha.

you know, the orientation kinda told me that "friendship" was like water in the desert. if you dont grab it quick enough, it's gonna go away, and without it, you're just gonna slowly suffer till you die. the friends you make there, they're fake. someday, they'll turn their back on you, so be prepared to get fucked. not only in MI. but everywhere- poly, JC wherever. the friends you make in sec sch are the real friends you're gonna make for life, so treasure them.

so after school on fri, i met up with my old buddies from 4e5: CJ, YJ and chris. we decided on a picnic at westcoastpark. we had LOTSA fun, ahahha! did lotsa stupid but memorable things like the spineroonie of death. ahahah!!! thanks guys for the wonderful outing. really appreciate it:D

Wednesday, January 02, 2008


mmhmm, it's 2008, and well, i can only say that 2007 has been an awesome year for me.
  • the year i took my O's
  • the year i got to know a lovely class.
  • the year the rugby team bonded really well together cuz of hans
  • the year i started having aspirations and dreams(wth)
  • the year i tried to be a man(only nearing the end of the year just before the O's. heh)
hahah, it's all the same as other posts la, but i will always feel kinda sad thinking bout the bonding i had with my class, GBS and ruggerbros, that it's already ended and 2007 is nothing more than a distant memory. and all you can do about it, is say goodbye cuz you can't relive it nomatter how much you want to.

But think about it, 2008 is a new year, and there is no point sulking over what's over right? so you wanna know what i think i'm gonna do? i'ma do these:
  1. try my best to meet up with buddies and classmates as often as possible, be it for lunch, or simply just hang out.
  2. make a few new friends with a different me. i wanna appear in public with a different image now:D
  3. continue playing TheMafiaBoss.
  4. try to keep the lively side of me still intact when together with my buddies( i hope i dont change much over the years)
  5. grow a healthier relationship with God and making my walk with him stronger.
yeap. i guess these are my new year resolutions and to all my buddies: i hope i'll stay in your memories:)

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