The Second Blog

Thoughts that linger in the mind of a Singaporean teen.
By Kelvin Choo

Saturday, August 30, 2008





Friday, August 29, 2008

so yes, i went back to Hillgrove today. and what i would remember the most out of today's visit, are the hugs i exchanged with really good ol'buddies. Namely: Eizzam, Prakash, Boonyao, Afiq, Firman, and pardon me if i left out a few. Yea, i guess those were all my ex-rugger mates, and i was sure we missed each other a hell lot. it's really sad to know that we have drifted so far apart after only a year. But we still remembered the good times spent together, and we were all appreciative of the friendship we once had. I really hope we'll keep to what we agreed to after Boon Yao comes back from germany! keyword: Tax Free. ahahah! ok, enough of the corny gay talk.

so i met up with my 4e5 as well, and we laughed, and talked, and did some catching up with teachers. so nice to see them all again. after talking to teachers, i went to meet the legends of hillgrove. HAHA. the 'old timers'. Some were the same old funny asses, but some changed. normal i guess.

Funny how we take things for granted. and how we regret not appreciating what we once had in the past.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

whao! i guess it was an awesome birthday i had, with all the birthday greetings from good old buddies, family members, secondary school mates, classmates, church mates, and even a few unexpected ones. ahahah! my sincerest thanks to those who remembered, or got the info via friendster(probably majority). but oh well! it was still really sweet to get 'em.

my family was the most awesome la! but i shaln't brag about my day detail-by-detail, i'll just say it was damn sweet of my family. even my sis all the way in aussie did some damn nice e-mail for me. HAHHA!! i really appreciate it jiejie!! we wanted to skype the birthday cake cutting session with my sis, but internet connection there in aussie sucked. oh well, she still sang the birthday song to me via speaker phone. ahahah!

everything was great man. BUT SOMEONE FORGOT TO WISH ME HAPPY BIRTHDAY FOR THE FIRST TIME :O walau, damn sad la...

Friday, August 22, 2008

if you don't bathe for a day, you underarms will smell.........sour.

you dont have to read the following post cuz it's boring.

anyway, yes, today, i woke up, and went for lunch with my parents at Binjai Park which is at timah. after that, we rushed home cuz dad was running late for work. Reached home, and then i tried to study, but nooooo, nothing will get in cuz Mr.Computer is pulling my attention to it. so i decided, "ok, i will turn my laptop off" and so i did. i tried to study. But still nothing will go in my head. So i tried watching TV to clear my mind. Watched the olympics, and the next thing i knew, i woke up from a deep sleep on the sofa. guess what? it was already 6pm. so i moved my ass to my room and tried to study again, but my eyes were damn dry. so i went to talk-cock to mommy. Then i forgot about studying, so i went to play Medieval II Total War (FRIGGIN GAME OF THE CENTURY, THANKS LIANG JIE) i played till 11pm when daddy came back. So he brought home 3 shirts for a family day his company's having this Sunday at the Singapore Flyer (hardcore or what?!) so yes, the shirts are sth like uniforms and everyone will be dressed in it on the day itself. then dad brought the family out for fun, and by the time we're back home, it was 2am. I came online, and studied a lil bit, and have been online ever since. I can safely say..that my sleeping hours are waaaay off-course (thanks ah safiee) now, i sleep at 7-10am. i mean, look at the time, it's already 6.48am.. ok i have to stop my afternoon naps and i really have to set my priorities right...

it's been soo long since i went on and on about every single detail for the day.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

First night into my campaign, and I've already broken it. I just stayed up throughout the night online companying my sis and pay eh. But I'll have to say it was fun. A few things worth blogging about in this wonderful morning:

So yes, i caught the delayed telecast of PM Lee Hsien Loong's national day rally and i can conclude that PM Lee is the coolest PM ever. I mean, his speech is damn entertaining la! Unlike PM Goh who is serious and monotonous throughout his speeches. I dare say this year's NDR is the best one yet (maybe cuz education is not covered that much).

And check this out: "Lee Hsien Loong currently earns an annual salary of S$3,870,000 (US$ 2,856,930 ), an increase of 25% from S$3,091,200 (US$2,037,168), making him the highest paid head of government in the world."(sources from Wikipedia) - HARDCORE LAH.

Ok, if you have been keeping track of the Olympics, Tao Li(China-born swimer swimming for Singapore-.-) was interviewed by Mark Richmond regarding the 2008Beijing Olympics 5th place swim finals placing, as soon as she touched down in SG. and as a 'surprise' to TaoLi, Stephanie Sun appeared from one corner of the room to greet her. Steph Sun is apparently TaoLi's idol btw. The interview went on and on and blah blah blah. The main point i want to raise... Is that i suddenly find Steph Sun actually very pretty leh.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Ok, at this present moment, I've realised that the computer is my greatest distraction from all things good(i.e. Family, Studies, God). So from this point onwards, I'll officially make a conscious effort to reduce the computer usage so as to make time for my priorities.

Talking about priorities, don't you think it's such a funny thing that one such word can mean so much? There's so little talk about it, and yet it's one of the most important things in life.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Kelvin Choo Yue Shen is..................
  • Bored at this current moment
  • Thinking of whether to bathe now or not
  • Worried about his Design & Drawing term test paper
  • Is 'Si Beh Bo Liao'
  • Having a slight stomach ache
  • Thinking of whether to download a GameBoy Emulator
  • Super proud of his iTunes Library
  • Super happy with his iTunes Library
  • Super contented with his iTunes Library
  • Hoping to go fishing with his dad out at sea
  • Sure he wants to go bathe now.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Presenting.......the star of the JB sevens trip. Not the 2 good looking people, but the red object.
4 people who made it possible.
1)Naqi: The Ex-owner
2) Bird: The basketball player
3)Yours truly: The mastermind
4)Last but certainly not least......Md Nor: The guy who kena all the shit.

Mr Bird/Aidil and Mr Naqiuddin with the 'Wet-Red-Object'

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

JBsevens, here we come!

so yes, i've been selected to move my ass down to JB this fri along with Ta'moko Lions for the JB7s tournament. will be there for 3 days(yes, it means i'll be missing national day) all thru' till sunday. wish me all the best k! and thanks to those who have been praying for me! really appreciate it(: now, i have 2 big things to worry about:
  • JB7s(of course)
  • Term tests and Semester Exams. sigh..
honestly, i've really been struggling with my time management with so many things to take care of, and well, if you out there reading this post are also feeling soo short of time, you're not alone ok, you have me to suffer with you.

Friday, August 01, 2008

I've said this once before, and i've even blogged about it before. now i'm blogging it again.....

"I hate fevers like hell..."

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