The Second Blog

Thoughts that linger in the mind of a Singaporean teen.
By Kelvin Choo

Friday, April 30, 2010

I still remember the day I got my posting to Singapore Poly back in late 2007 (or early 2008) after graduating from secondary school. My close friends and I were talking about how quickly time whizzed by us. That's it, secondary school's over, we've completed 4 hard years to obtain our O'levels qualification, We've already reached the peak of our uniform days. Just like that, a significant phase of a Singaporean's life is over.

Then we went on to talk about moving on. We questioned ourselves about how we were going to get thru all 3 painful years of this new environment known as "Poly". All the anticipation of 'not wearing a uniform to school anymore', and 'getting your own personal laptop' died out suddenly. Guess we really weren't ready for this transition yet. Indeed, the first day of poly was hell..

The 2nd week of my final year just ended and things are slowly improving in class. Now here I am, looking back at how I doubted my abilities of getting thru these obstacles in a journey we call life. I can very well see NS straight ahead, and working life too. Of course i'm worried, but I know I'm not going thru them alone. God's always with me and clearing the path for me to pass thru. Seriously, whom then shall I fear?

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make your paths straight." - Proverbs 3:5-6

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

School's kinda mundane ever since the new semester began, but what's new? The three of us are very, if not totally detached from the new class, while everyone else seems to know each other. Feels like the very first day of poly all over again. Thank goodness L.J. and Leow are in this with me. haha. Miss my old class.

Can't say much for the family either.

Man i miss my GBS too. We had so much fun before poly started back in 2008. Ben just posted a vid of us (well, actually only me dealing with the worst mouth ulcer i ever had) on FB during the 3-man chalet and it seriously brought back memories - The last of GBS.

If you follow my blog diligently, you would've noticed similar posts about me missing various friends. But this time, i don't feel much loss. In fact, i just feel stoned, like as if i'm just going thru another day of my life. Guess i can't really be bothered by all these matters of affection anymore.

I feel like having an ice cold Erdinger now, mmmmm.

Monday, April 12, 2010

My home has been under some major cleaning and renewing works lately, which means I tidy up my room after ages of torment and mess.

ok so anyway, i move some furniture, open some cupboards, throw some stuff away, and along the way i happen to bump into various "artifacts" and "relics". Some are really funny, some are embarrassing. but there's this one Brother Bear notebook with all my secondary school homework reminders and memos, that got me reminiscing bout one period of my life, and it kinda made me sad. Oh, please don't mistake me for someone who misses secondary school work and schedules. What made me feel like that was a picture of a hand-drawn hello kitty and a few scribbles..

Friday, April 02, 2010

i can't believe i haven't posted in such a long time, it's just that i've been really blank, and life's just repeating itself day after day. Same thoughts, same feelings, same views.

So anyway, i was stoning and listening to some music on YouTube, when i realised how amazing songs are. Every song has a meaning behind it, however most reflect a common story.

So what is my point?

My point is that, no matter how shitty, angry or whatever, there's always a song out there to remind you that you're not the only one facing the problem.

I mean, seriously, look at me, i'm listening to Fly Robin Fly.

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