The Second Blog

Thoughts that linger in the mind of a Singaporean teen.
By Kelvin Choo

Monday, April 28, 2008

yesterday was training at Lions. For at that point of time, rugby wasn't really enjoyable.

today, church was fun, went for YKG, cleared my mind of a few burning questions, and went to queensway with hanrong and wengkinn. DAMN FUN LA. ahaha! we got a few stuff. hanrong got running shoes. i got boots and.....*drum roll*....... AN AWESOME LAVA LAMP! yeeee haw!

as elated as i am, i'm pretty certain that we'll keep in touch as buddies till we grow old cuz we'll always be in the same church won't we? ahahha. and occasions like mahjong night(gossip night) and the p6 chalet(biohazard) will always be in our memories(:

Sunday, April 27, 2008

thanks HR

Credits to TeoHanRong:D

The Rules.

1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesn't make sense.
4. With the answers down, or even comment on it.
5. Tag 5 people.

1) How are you feeling today?
All We Know - Paramore
(2 things: rugby and the girl of my dreams)

2) Will you get far in life?
Every Little Thing - Dishwalla
(You're damn right i appreciate every little thing i get)

3) What's your best friend's theme song?
&Serenading - Mineral

(My bestfriend uses music to hit on chicks.)

4) What is the story of your life?
Till Kingdom Come - Coldplay
(I live to join God in Heaven)

5) What was high school like?
Breath In - Frou Frou
(I smell fart everyday in SP.)

6) How can you get ahead with life?
Circular Parade - The Beautiful Mistake
(join the concert band.)

7) Whats the best thing about your friends?
Everlong - Foo Fighters
(Awww! They'll always be there for me)

8) Describe your grandparents.
Eleanor Put Your Boots On - Franz Ferdinand
(my granny's name ain't Eleanor man, and they wear flipflops, not boots.)

9) How's your life going?
A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More "Touch Me" - Fall Out Boy
(I've never touched a girl and vice versa! and i
AM 16 years old!)

10) What will be played at my funeral?
Opaline - Dishwalla
(I'll live a colourful life)

11) Will you have a happy life?
Mary Without Sound - Motion City Soundtrack
(the lady of my life will be a "Mary" and she doesn't talk. damn. so that means no happy life.)

12) What do your friends really think of you?
Road To Heaven - Five For Fighting
(I'm a Holy person)

13) Do people secretly lust after you?
Weird Fishes/Arpeggi - Radiohead
(wth, i take that as a no.)

14) How can you make yourself happy?
Policeman's Xmas Party - Five For Fighting
(I seriously think i'll turn gay in the future. gosh..)

15) Will you ever have children?
You're So Last Summer - Taking Back Sunday
(Nahh, kids are outdated.)

16) What song would you strip to?
Machine Gun - Jimi Hendrix

17) What does your mom think of you?
The Middle - Jimmy Eat World
(She hates me, yet she loves me.)

18) What is your deep, dark secret?
Tragedy - Bee Gees
(Bee Gees. gosh. i'm certain i'll turn gay.)

19) What is your enemy's theme song?
4th Degree Burns - Pig Destroyer
(the first metal song played. i have violent enemies who play with fire.)

20) Whats your personality like?
Never Meant - American Football
(I make alot of mistakes. Forgive me k?)

21) What will be played at your wedding?
Mexico - Incubus
(Wa seh, i'll get married in Mexico! tortillas, here i come!)

Tag 5 people
1. ZS
2. YK
3. Sandra
4. BenedictHeo
5. EvelynChoo

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Curiosity + Boredom + Cheap Shaver = Pain + Regret + laughter

Monday, April 21, 2008


wha lao eh, i'll blog bout yesterday and today.

k so like, woke up in the morn, and went to fetch beloved mommy from the airport after a 2-week vacation in Thailand. k then, got dad to fetch me to the Padang for a friendly with SRC. it was one of the most awesome matches i've ever played in man. i thought they were a damn good team. but we still lost by a try. wasted. k, then went home with zul(matrep zul doherty). then i went out for dinner with my parents, and went home to sleep early for church the day after(today)

went to church with my parents and ok, this is the story: when i sit with my parents, i can understand sermon cuz i pay attention to it. BUT, when i sit with the YDG guys, i cannot concentrate cuz we'll keep talking. but then ah, today special leh! i sat with them, and i made it a point to listen. so just to make sure, i told ming sheng to remind me to listen to sermon when i'm about to start talking. so i lasted thru' sermon, and understood it!(: k then after sermon, went for lunch with wengkinn and shawn, and when we were coming back, i saw this:

if you can't see it clearly, see the following picture.

and for your infomation, that's a bangla in that shirt. and me, wengkinn and shawn were wondering,"what happened to the girl?" hahaha, damn funny. then we went for bible classes and after that we had street soccer and it was freakin tiring. wahahaha, went home, bathed, and here i am! fun 2 days i had(: and tmr, it's back to school again-.-

Thursday, April 17, 2008

been okay i guess

so today, or rather, yesterday was the 3rd day of school, and i must say, things have gotten better with the class, i guess we're more bonded now? ahaha. k. but i still get all excited when i see YK and roy in campus.

okay, now i've been overly dependent on my handphone. calendar; to-do list; sms; etc etc etc. and now i think back, what if one day, i forget to bring my phone out of the house with me?

my answer: shit.

Monday, April 14, 2008


a few days back, i was on the MRT, coming back from chun how's birthday chalet at pasir ris, when i saw sth disturbing.

this guy here ah, at first i saw him, he was kinda poor thing la, you see his face, like those kind always kena bullied those kind. and plus he has this skin rash problem, so i just minded my own business. then gradually, the train got more and more crowded. and as you can see in the picture, he seems pretty comfortable- a little too comfy. so later, this girl entered the train, she was quite cute la, hehe. and she happened to stand infront of him. then damn sick leh, this weirdo guy, started to place both his hands on the horizontal pole above his head, and leaned his body on the girl and he was like smelling her hair or sth. then later, when it was about to reach dover, he placed his left hand down, and like, kept touching and rubbing his hands on that girls ass la! very sick, then he was smiling to himself, and that girl's expression was like, "oh fuck, is he intentionally touching my toosh?" ok, then like, when it reached dover, he alighted a happy man.

moral of the story: people look crazy for a reason- and that is, THEY'RE REALLY CRAZY.

Thursday, April 10, 2008


So like, skipped games day thanks to late nights of insomnia. K, woke up at around 12noon, and stonned on my bed listening to News Radio 93.8(98.7 just got too boring for me) till dad came home from work at ard 5pm. Soo good to see him home again- being alone at home sucks. So like, after he came home, he went to sleep, and i left home to meet Mamad for my tour of SP! - at 8pm-.- He brought me around and made sure i looked cool when i get to school for my first day instead of looking lost with a map in hand and turning round in circles looking for different blocks. Then we walked till ard 10pm when we decided to go have dinner at BotakJones at Clementi. We ate, then talked and slacked at this random place till 11, when we went back to cck. talked and talked again till 1am and left for home- half dead-tired. So my plan was take a good long rest once i reach home. But then, the computer called my name, and i turned it on, and have been online ever since. Talked to Naz about why humans have ass hair and other questions you wouldn't ask your normal friend. Then i went offline and started blogging.

These few nights have been hell for me. Super super tired, but can't seem to sleep only till about 4-5am. Imagine: You're exhausted, and you lie down on your comfy bed with that fluffy pillow and pet snake of yours and with the air-con blowing at 24degrees. Light's off, Blanket's on and you're Ready-Freddy for dream land, but you just can't get yourself to doze off. Tossing and turning only provided a head ache. Maybe it's cuz there are too many things in my mind, and well, i wouldn't wanna bug anyone about the SAME OLD problems of mine would i? It'll just bore them to death...

But God hears me and i'm sure He has a reason and a way for everything that's been happening.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

SP orientation

okayyy.. so orientation started on monday, and it goes on till thursday. so that makes it 4 days of orientation. and honestly, i'm not enjoying a single bit of it lar... first day was awkward. got to computer lab, and was taught to use the school's website. then, when we got dismissed, i got lost in the campus. so embarrassing la. okay, then like, i managed to find my way out, to some ulu road. so i took this bus to clementi and got home. today was worse la... i spent the whole time alone): except for some nice classmates of mine who came up to me later in the event to talk to me. ahaha. but everything was pretty awkward. sigh, dreading school. hate orientations.

okay, mamad has offered to bring me around SP tmr. and i really thank goodness for close friends whom i can brag about school to.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

chalet GBS

so yea, been away on a 5D4N chalet with my GBS buddies namely, BravoBen and CharlieCheng. AWESOME. ahahha! all we did was DVDs, eat, cook, talk cock, play NFS and rainbow6. haha! and we hardly slept thanks to the brilliant dusty blankets. but nevertheless, it was still awesome. thanks guys for making it possible:D:D:D

so i got back, and slept for a damn long time, maybe for bout 13 hrs. and then had to fetch mom off to the airport. AT 6.30 IN THE MORNING. so yea, now, it's me and dad all alone in s'pore for 2 weeks. it's been okay so far, only kinda awkward larr.

so like, i've practically lost contact with all my other friends except for the boys at knights and GBS. and now that school's begining to start in SP, i'm more afraid cuz i'd definately lose contact with many friends. mainly friends in hillgrove, 4e5'07, PAE, CLB, etc etc etc. any of you readers, PLEASE KEEP IN CONTACT WITH ME OK?

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