The Second Blog

Thoughts that linger in the mind of a Singaporean teen.
By Kelvin Choo

Monday, October 27, 2008

Yesterday was just like any other day, but only a little bit more fun ahaha. Played ping pong/table tennis with Edward, Ernest and Brandon after church. damn fun la! But sadly, i got owned at every match. So anyone up for a pingpong challenge, feel free to let me know, i'm up for it. heh. wasted the entire 3-day weekend away rotting at home. But i did make a few achievements even in the confines of my own home. I am quite close to mastering Victor Wooten's slapping secret, and of course, pingpong.

I was reading the papers recently, and i saw a picture of someone. Someone who earned my respect way back when i was in primary3, and up till now, he's still one of the few whom i look up to. He disappeared from my life a few years after i first got to know about him. I lost interest in the field of profession he was involved in, but now, he's back, and hell, am i glad to see him again. He is none other than the great Gianfranco Zola

The man who believed in him, and the true blue hero himself:
Claudio Ranieri and Gianfranco Zola

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

After all the blabbering about how shitty SP is and all its other negative crap you've heard about, lemme state 10 cool things ONLY SP has.

  • Singing Stones- No Shit, the stones outside SP's Moberly block really do sing.
  • Ice Cream Vending Machines- Cool, until it gave me Vanilla instead of friggin chewy blueberry..TWICE SUMMORE. Dammit.
  • A Travel Agency- I do not know for what purpose, but cool nevertheless.
  • An Optical Shop(What the hell?!)
  • Lifts with touch sensor buttons. (ultimate)
  • Awesome 5-storey library with CDs that we can borrow! (and rip)
  • Cheap & good $2 Kuey Png (Better Than Boon Tong Kee)
  • Cheap & good 50cents Chin Chow (ChknRice+ChnChw = EvrydayMeal)
  • FoodCourt 1 doubles as a bird park!
  • Most toilets have 2 main doors that lead to the same Entrance/Exit( weird)

Dreamt of you two nights in a row. I guess i just can't forget you after 4 years of trying.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

ok, it's currently 3.43am, no one else is online, there's church tmr morning, i can't sleep, and i'm extremely bored.... So i decided to spend 5 minutes doing the following:

Saturday, October 18, 2008

So once again, we've made it through the painful week to come to the sweet sweet day of Friday- the best day of the week. It marks the happy ending to a 5days work/study week. I don't know about you, but personally, i make it a point to remember every single Friday, and to toast to the term 'TGIF'.

So sad to know what you're missing out on... or rather, what you're getting yourself into. : /

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

As you can see, my blog is pretty much dead. well, maybe only the tag board. sigh.

okay, as usual, i shall list down in point-form whatever that has been happening in my life so far.

  • Hating school all because of some OLD ass ugly bastard in my class.
  • I realise that my birthday always falls on some significant exam date: 2007- start of o'level prelims, 2008- end of semester exams
  • I'm kinda liking the new class timetable.
  • My social life is pretty much at its lowest point.
  • My back and forehead is burnt and sintered to the point of peeling. (Sun-burnt)
  • Tamoko lions RFC is in a very angry state now.
  • Which explains my absence in training. Maybe it's cuz of laziness. I dont know.
  • I'm marveling at the wonders of Relient K and what wonderful music they make.


Monday, October 13, 2008

So Paris was nice enough to endorse my latest album.
Available in all major record label stores.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Joscelin Yeo, Mark Chay & Tao Li

Tuesday, October 07, 2008


Wa liewzzz... I'm wasting my holidays away lar... Feck...

Okay, i really have no idea what to blog about now, but i have nothing else better to do while my 'meet the spartans' loads. i've been watching alot of movies these few days. not in the cinemas, but on my beloved computer. Special thanks to my sis and YK for the movies you've allowed me to rip from you. and special thanks to for the unlimited online movies. but i wouldn't have known about if not for yong jie who introduced the site to me. and thanks to HMV for giving me ideas on the movies to watch.

i know, it feels great to be appreciated. It makes you feel worthy. Everyone likes being appreciated and acknowledged.

so yea, the following are lists on movies i've watched during the past few days, and movies i plan to watch.

Movies I Plan To Watch:
  • The BlairWitch Project
  • Big Stan
  • Puff Puff Pass
  • Tropic Thunder (Watching this in a cinema)
  • Meet The Spartans (currently loading.)
Movies I've Watched:
  • The Notebook(frikin most touching story ever la..)
  • The Warriors(stupidest show, watched 10mins of it, and i turned it off)
  • Dan In Real Life
  • I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry
  • Be Kind, Rewind
  • Coach Carter
  • 300 (Again)

Like what i've said to my sis: I love lists. It completes life.

Friday, October 03, 2008

These few days have been really monotonous for me. So please, someone ask me out today. It's a beautiful Friday morning, so lets make this a beautiful entire Friday.

So i watched 2 movies yesterday. Namely: I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry & Dan in Real Life.

Bloody hell man, if you watch Dan in Real Life, you'd feel uncomfortable throughout cuz that Dan fella (played by Steve Carell) kept making wrong decisions although his intentions were right. Poor fella. One thing to learn from this movie: Being a father is scary shit.

So young gentlemen out there, refrain from starting a family.

It's amazing how movies teach you lessons in life. Really.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

alright. first thing's first, this particular post will be my 200th post for this blog, so three cheers for the 200th post! hip-hip! hooray! x3

so ok, i've read thru' my last few posts, and i have one thing to conclude: too many pictures. so i shall go back to my literature/shakespear posts. and maybe a relevant picture or two to accompany the words. all this cuz i found russell's blog posts quite meaningful (i sound so gay la)

So here goes...

things that are happening now in my life:
  • Life now is super stone.
  • Hopes for people to ask me out.
  • Listening to frikin Josh Groban.
  • Just completed his first ever proper part-time job at the Singtel S'pore F1 GP.
  • Just a few more bucks before a new family member to accompany Bassie and Bert at home
  • Just lost a match to a team of ang mohs..
  • Thinks Josh Groban is quite boring.
  • Back to playing GTA: San Andreas (outdated, i know)
  • Stopped playing TMB (finally)
  • Stopped playing Neopets too.(waaaay too boring)
  • Straying away from God...
  • Waiting for something exciting to happen to me.

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